One day it will all make perfect sense. You will realize why some things didn't work out. Why did you have to go through all that you went through and what it was.
This is WHAT men really need!
You deserve to be with someone who will show you what love is and what it means to love. With someone with whom you will realize that there is no pain in love. With someone with whom you will feel that real, authentic, romantic, naughty, deep love.
In 2020, don't be with those who don't know how to say sorry and forgive.
This is great advice from couples who have been through a lot and are still happy. They will help you get through difficult times more easily.
"I'm selfish, impatient and a bit indecisive. I make mistakes out of control, it's hard to be with me. But if you can't be there for me when I'm at my worst, you certainly don't deserve me when I'm at my best." – Marilyn Monroe
Many are of the opinion that only those who have some kind of mental problem or a form of emotional immaturity cheat. But those who are happy in relationships also cheat. Why and where are the reasons?
There are mistakes and mortal sins in relationships. These three mistakes are most often fatal and responsible for the breakup of a relationship! Are you doing them?!
Being ready for a relationship means giving your time, emotions, energy, and yourself to someone else.
Nobody is perfect. We've all done something stupid at some point that hurt another person. The easiest thing to do is to blame others for mistakes or find thousands of excuses just to avoid having to apologize.
Treat your partner to a dream massage that will take him to the seventh dimension!
Why are men afraid of a serious relationship? Among the many stereotypes about men is certainly that they are afraid of commitment. This is true more often than not. They just want you to give them a chance to explain their behavior, to show who they are.