Who would understand them? It is not a common expression that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Although we can't live without each other, sometimes we struggle with each other. Gender differences are the subject of everyday conversations, psychological analyses, studies and research. They are as old as humanity itself. Men and women perceive things differently, as evidenced by the following amusing confrontations. The men revealed what little things made girls angry with them. Girls, it's your turn now.
In her book, kissing expert Sheril Kirshenbaum defined the different types of kisses and their meaning. What does your kissing style say about you and your relationship?
Love is a beautiful emotion that can quickly turn to hate - don't let hurtful actions cause your relationship to fall apart.
Although single men and women are often labeled as extremely spoiled, this is not always true. This is mainly due to some self-centered and spoiled individuals who, by some unfortunate coincidence, are also only children. It is true that individuals may be recognized more quickly, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. They are also known for bringing a lot of love to a partnership. Here are 5 reasons why you should be in a relationship with an only child.
We can get involved in toxic or unhealthy relationships in various areas. Partnership expert Melita Kuhar writes about why this happens to us and what relationships we prefer to end in time.
If you do not intend to hang your sex toys on a big bell, then you will undoubtedly be impressed by these minimalist and discreet sex toys that can easily be hidden among our ordinary things. Here are discreet sex toys that impress with design and functionality.
When do people most often cheat? This is what the British online dating portal IllicitEncounters.com asked, and in a survey of one million of its users, it came to the conclusion that people are most prone to cheating at the turn of the decade, namely at the ages of 19, 29, 39, 49 and 59 years. But one year is especially critical...
When people fall in love, we like to say that we were lucky to find a soul mate. Is the game really just luck?
Do you remember the guy who used puns on his girlfriend during a visit to the Ikea store a year ago? Simon Gilmore is back. But this time his girlfriend Dana Lubcke didn't roll her eyes because of his actions, she actually got teary-eyed because of them. Is this the cutest proposal we've ever seen?
What all changes in a relationship when we are in a relationship for a long time? Love and infatuation are two different states. Falling in love means falling in love with the image of something we long for. We fall in love with the image of the person we wish was the way we see him. But love takes over (or not) when we stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, when this person is no longer a perfect projection of our expectations and reality enters the relationship. Therefore, a new and a long-term relationship are two completely diametrical images. Look at the comparison between a fresh relationship and a relationship that has been going on for a long time. It will hold, won't it.
They say that a relationship is like a building that stands on different pillars. For a partnership to remain strong, these pillars must be equally strong. Here are 10 little things you can do to strengthen your relationship and nurture your happiness as best as possible.
Wondering how to drive the man you like crazy? Driving him crazy isn't just a "coincidence" of your character traits or fashion style. Much more is needed for this. There are countless reasons why we fall in love with someone (besides his/her cuteness, of course). And when we truly understand the rules of attraction, we will be masters of seduction! Of course, it all starts with attraction, but to really warm to someone, we have to have the desire to connect with them. So, how do you drive a man you like crazy?