The initial stages of getting to know each other, which we hope will lead to a partnership, are usually filled with sweet worries. We wonder if our chosen one is thinking of us, if he too feels butterflies, if he wants the relationship to progress into something more... We also want our crush to miss us and make plans when we are not with her. future dates with us.
How nice it is to be in a serious relationship, in which you and your partner see each other forever and are ready to grow together and stand by each other. However, with a serious relationship also come important decisions, and one of them is certainly when to settle down in a shared home.
According to the experience of many relationship therapists, the most common cause of infidelity is one habit. Do you know which one?
Low self-esteem and feelings of insecurity are something that many of us have unfortunately experienced. At that time, it is important to find in ourselves the qualities and virtues that we love and try to find inspiration and motivation in other people instead of envy. This is also very important for our relationship: insecurity can cause its end.
There are many reasons to find ourselves in a long distance relationship. We can fall in love on vacation, on a business trip, or one of the partners moves to another city or country later. This type of relationship is by no means the easiest, but many couples can tell you that it is worth the effort and that true love can overcome even the greatest distances. We have prepared 6 tips for you when starting a long-distance relationship.
We live in a monogamous society where movies, novels and music bombard us with ideas about that fairytale love where partners live happily ever after. Therefore, it is completely normal to wonder if there is something wrong with you if you fell in love with two men at the same time. First of all, let's reassure you: these feelings are completely normal, but you have to decide how you will react to them. We have prepared a plan for you, what to do if you fall in love with two men.
We can all agree on how important communication is in a relationship. Only with a healthy way of communication can we let our partner know exactly how we feel and in this way solve many problems or misunderstandings. Communication methods vary slightly from relationship to relationship, but there are 3 words you should never say to your partner.
Feelings of infatuation and love are for many the most beautiful emotions they have ever felt. Then it seems to us that the world is more beautiful and colorful, we laugh all the time and can't stop thinking about our partner or sympathy. Our personality also changes: we have prepared for you 6 ways in which love affects you.
For many, cheating is the worst thing that can happen to us in a relationship. Not only does it hurt us deeply, but it also causes us to lose confidence and lower our self-esteem. There are several types of infidelity and some of them, e.g. cheating through a physical relationship with another person is easier to detect than others. We asked what emotional cheating is and how you can recognize it.
Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the signs that someone feels more than friendship for us. Men can be shy too, and it may well happen that your chosen one shares your feelings, but he hasn't told you directly yet. And so that you don't spend days wondering what he actually feels, we have prepared for you 10 signs that show that he is also in love with you.
In a relationship, it is very important that we pay attention to our partner, listen to him and thus understand what he wants most - both in the bedroom and in all other areas of the relationship. Every relationship is unique and our needs and desires are different, but there are characteristics that all attentive partners share. We have prepared for you 4 qualities that all great lovers have.
We all want healthy, happy relationships, but at the same time we dream of an understanding partner who will always make us feel loved. However, we sometimes forget that the reason we keep finding ourselves in unfulfilling relationships lies within ourselves. We asked what trait can destroy even a happy relationship and how to make sure that it will not be in our relationships.