People are not just good or just bad. Even the best have dark places, weaknesses, qualities they are ashamed of or afraid of. Even in the worst, there is something good that is able to give back and contribute, nurture and build. Nobody and nothing is black and white.
personal growth
When you face difficulties in life, sometimes you lose momentum, you lose the will to keep trying. You become numb. Nothing is ever as hopeless as it seems and you are not as heartless as you think you are. Never stop trying no matter the circumstances.
Have you ever felt the pressure from those around you, especially from those closest to you, that you have to find someone, your soul mate, to be with him for the rest of your life, so that you won't be alone, right?
Spring has always been considered a period of awakening, new beginnings and hope. That's when nature blooms again, the days get longer, and the temperatures finally rise. However, it is in the spring that many people encounter lethargy, fatigue and negativity. In order to avoid such feelings, we have prepared for you 6 ways to turn spring into a period of happiness and hope.
Life is constantly offering you an abundance of lessons, mostly through repeating patterns, to receive and understand the message and get serious about your growth and development.
Are you actively working on improvements? Are you in denial and procrastinating about what you need to do? Do you settle for the minimum because you don't believe you deserve the maximum and you don't believe you can provide that maximum?
The current events in the world have caused an increase in nervousness and fear in many - especially those who have previously had problems with anxiety. However, there is no need to suffer in silence or try to bury your feelings. We have prepared for you 6 ways to deal with anxiety due to what is happening in the world.
Life lessons are sometimes hard to learn and we repeat them, and as long as we repeat them, it means we haven't really learned them. So what happens is that you enter a relationship and ignore the warning signs, hoping that the person will improve so that your love can improve them. But that won't happen.
Have you been hurt by someone you loved? Maybe their words hurt you and you don't know how to forgive them? Are you haunted by their actions and decisions that hurt you?
An excellent interlocutor, with whom you will not run out of topics: partnerships, family businesses, motivational products, books about women, men, relationships, entrepreneurship, personal growth, communication... He is an entrepreneur who is shrouded in a veil of secrecy, as he does not reveal his successes. He works calmly and prudently. You just start to trust him instantly.
Eye-opening tips. You may look at life events differently. They might point you in the right direction. Who knows.
You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you know something is wrong, even though you can't quite put your finger on what. You go into the day with a bad feeling. Everything bothers you, you think something is going to happen. He's afraid of you.