We all have bad days now and then. Moments when it seems that nothing is going the way we want. Then we would prefer to lie in bed with a sheet over our heads and wait for that day or time to end.
personal growth
You miss them even though you let them out of your life because you put yourself first. You have realized that you cannot spend the rest of your life in doubts and questions.
It's perfectly normal to feel pain after a relationship has ended, whether it's a friendship or a partnership, even if you were the one who made the decision to end it. Often, guilt is present in addition to sadness. How to face it and overcome it?
Manipulation is not love. Jealousy is not love. Control is not love. Love comes when the manipulation stops! And when you dare to be vulnerable.
Optimism is contagious, and if nothing else, the optimistic belief can be chosen by yourself, with free will. Although you may not have chosen the change that is happening to you, you do have the ability and power to choose the emotions, feelings and responses that arise.
It's time to stand up for yourself. To remove the wrong things and people from your life. It's time to find your own path to happiness and personal growth. It's time for change. It's time for - you!
As with men, we often hear with women that their sexuality is "okay" or "could be better". We put this in the average, which is of course not the best. Let's see how we can change this and deepen our intimate relationships.
In order to love another, you must first love yourself. Although this love should be as natural as breathing, many people struggle to accept themselves, their shortcomings, as well as their achievements. Are you happy?
When making decisions, we often give priority to rational thinking, but we must not neglect that inner voice, that hidden feeling inside us. A feeling that drives us into action, or that sometimes tells us that something is wrong, even when we don't know what. Although we cannot define intuition precisely, we know that we should never neglect this intuitive feeling within us.
You've built a wall around your heart and there's nothing wrong with that, it won't be there forever
Solid, tall. Perfect, with no chance of anyone succeeding in knocking it down. You mean, it's going to stay there forever. Especially when you are in the process of healing from past heartaches.
Tired of happy couples reminding you of your single status? Are you sick of events and social gatherings where people come with their partners (and no one follows you)? Do you think you will be single forever? Feeling lonely?
You know all about giving support, comfort, how to be there when a person needs a shoulder to cry on. You have learned to listen carefully and understand other people's problems. You have learned to share your time, energy and attention - with others. And now you wonder how it is that even though you have given someone everything - yourself, your heart and love, that it is not enough for them. Why?