The line between good and bad should be drawn in every human heart.
personal growth
Every day is something special, just because you live it. Trust your reflection in the mirror.
Everything happens for a reason, but you must recognize the reasons!
The old saying goes that the best things in life are free. And these 30+ things cannot be valued by any money of this world!
The truth is, you outgrow those who don't appreciate you. Those who don't mind your absence. The ones who allow an ever-increasing distance between you and him. You outgrow those who make you feel expendable.
"There are good days and bad days. The good days pass. You know that, and you think it's terrible. But the bad days pass too! Why don't you think about that and why doesn't that comfort you?" – Phil Bosmans
This is the only real "investment" that pays off in your life!
"Pain purifies love, makes it real, authentic, pure. Besides, it removes everything that is not love." – Carlo Carretto
When you've been in a relationship for a while, you're definitely not the same person you were when you first saw each other. You are evolving. You are changing. You're transforming into a better version of yourself, and that's a good thing. This means resisting stagnation and staying in your comfort zone.
Ask yourself: what did you want most when you were a child? Well, except for that toy in the shop window. Kidding aside, you probably wanted to grow up. How often do you hear children say, "When I grow up, I will..." As if adulthood is this long-awaited stage where it will FINALLY begin. We are so looking forward to it!
"Your thoughts are your devoted assistants or your tyrannical masters – whatever you allow them to be. You have the say, the choice is yours." - William Walker Atkinson
"Take the risk to awaken your soul - much more happiness, truth, beauty and wisdom is revealed to you." - Unknown author