A slice of pizza is a popular street food because it is very easy to eat. But now it becomes even easier. Forget the napkins, forget the cheese that drags when you try to bite into a slice of pizza. Meet Pizzacle, a pizza on a stick that is enjoyed in a similar way to ice cream on a stick.
Potato pizza is a great alternative to classic pizza. It does not contain the usual dough, but it is also an independent dish, since it contains potatoes.
Burek is probably the most popular night dish. What night out is complete without a visit to a burek shop? Of course, burek pizza cannot compete with raw or meat pizza in terms of popularity, but this hybrid of two popular dishes is not far behind the more primitive forms in terms of taste. Have you ever baked pizza burek at home? Now is a great opportunity, because we discovered a fantastic recipe.
Don't have the space or money for a pizza oven? Nothing happens! Pizzeria Pronto creates the same conditions as a bread oven. Compared to a bread oven, it's about the size of an electric slow cooker, so we classify it as kitchen utensils rather than real estate like ovens. With Pizzeria Pronto, you can prepare pizza both from a bread oven and without a bread oven.
Healthy pizza? There is no such thing! Oh, and how! You probably never thought that you would be able to include pizza on your menu when you are on a diet, but cauliflower pizza, the healthiest pizza in the world, can be enjoyed with a clear conscience. Its calories and OH can be counted (almost) on the fingers of one hand, and because it does not contain flour, it is also suitable for anyone who avoids gluten.
Just when we thought Nutella had been used in all possible ways, the internet surprises us with something new. Pizza and Nutella are not something you would use in the same sentence, but Nutella knows no boundaries and now we will find them in the same recipe. Instead of bread, you will now be able to spread it on pizza dough. Of course, you will not add the usual fillings such as salami, cheese, tomatoes, etc. but more compatible ingredients. The recipe is really easy, and it will only take you a quarter of an hour to prepare!
One of the many good experiences of traveling, in addition to exceptional global locations, is that we get to try different local specialties on our travels. Something that is quite common, which can be found on menus almost all over the world, is pizza, and many places also have their own versions of this divine dish, which we will now present.
Restaurant and pizzeria Angel is preparing a very special surprise that will delight all lovers of good pizza. And we believe that there are not a few of them. On Thursday, April 23 at 4 p.m., you will be able to join the real Italian pizza master Gianni Calaone from Italy, who will prepare his winning pizza for all visitors. You can try it for free.
"The money is lying on the road, you just have to pick it up." "What is trash to one is treasure to another". Two things that will be further expressed in the next article. We're going to show you the many things you can make from a cardboard pizza box, a piece that usually only sticks out of trash cans.
Pizza is easily one of the best foods in the world. It doesn't take much time to prepare, and the necessary ingredients can be found in any moderately well-stocked store. To make things even simpler, let's check out 10 ways, even without dough, to turn literally any dish into its majesty, pizza.
Dave Hax is famous for his cute tricks on YouTube. This time he advises us on how to steal one slice of a whole pizza without anyone noticing.
New Year's snacks, which we prepare quickly and easily and shine with them as the host of the best December party.