
Recipe: potato pizza

Potato pizza

Potato pizza is a great alternative to classic pizza. It does not contain the usual dough, but it is also an independent dish, since it contains potatoes.

If we ask you which one is yours favorite pizza, we will get answers such as margherita, karst, morska... The answers would be much more uniform if we knew the alternative shape of the pizza: potato pizza. You will find out why when you try the recipe below.

READ MORE: Pizzeria Pronto: pizza like from a bread oven on the stove

Recipe for potato pizza:

Ingredients for potato pizza:

  • potatoes
  • vegetables
  • tomatoes
  • cheese
  • special sausage (or pizza ham)
  • pepper
  • salt
  • parsley

Potato pizza preparation process:
Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into thin slices. Salt, pepper and add vegeta. Spread it on the baking sheet as if it were dough. Add a few more drops of oil and water and place in an oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius; bake until the potatoes are soft. Then take it out of the oven and spread the sausage/ham, tomato slices, cheese and chopped parsley over it (in that order). Return the pan to the oven and wait until the cheese has a golden crust. And the potato pizza is ready. Have a good run!

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