Would you let him back into your life? Think twice, your heart has barely healed. Does love really conquer all?
She is the one who will help you find the way to understanding yourself and others.
"Never ignore someone who loves you, because one day you may realize that you lost the diamond while you were looking for the stones." - Unknown author
"Be kind whenever possible. ALWAYS possible." – The Dalai Lama
Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world, no matter how you look.
He tells you a lot of nice things, but does he really mean them?
In the old days, women shared everything. They shared the most intimate and sensitive secrets, prepared food together, shared their life stories. Women and children spent their days in a close and connected community. Even when those days of the month came, when women are especially sensitive and need more peace, the women gathered in this red tent, where they took care of each other and cared for each other. Everything is different today. Most women live in isolation, some even separated from their homes, from their friends. Therefore, the opportunities and time they can spend together are very limited. Which is sad, because most women really miss this healing, comforting and nurturing power that only women can offer.
What does it mean to be a strong man? Have a muscular body? No. Real power is emotional power!
Your first love left you with disappointment, fears, but also various insights from which you learned a lot. Now you know that love is not eternal, that love dies and is born.
His life was their life until he fell in love with you. Don't let them ruin your future.
Everyone can learn how to stand up for themselves. When you know this, you will value yourself more and your life will be of higher quality.
What if tomorrow comes and the person is gone? What if he leaves tomorrow? What if he dies tomorrow? Will you be sorry? Will you finally understand that waiting is nothing but a waste of time?