Today there are a number of trends in the dating world - "stashing", "breezing", "submarining" and the list goes on. Now there's microcheating. What is it and maybe you have already committed it?
Remember that every situation is unique. Fortunately, we women have a great weapon: intuition. If he tells you that something is wrong, then don't be hasty in your decisions. But if you also just want to have fun, then you can relax!
Individuals change over time, and so does our sex life - what once aroused us may no longer have the same weight today. Experts say that the key to a happy and fulfilling sex life in a long-term relationship is to experiment, change and explore. We have prepared 9 'rules' for a hot long-term relationship that every couple should know.
If you have a sister, you probably already know all the downsides of this. But maybe everything is not so bleak after all, and you will thank your stubborn sister one day. A new study revealed that sisters have a positive influence on their brothers.
There is something magical about December. People are happy, happier and it is also a good time to let go and relax in the arms of your loved one. Here are 5 reasons why December is the best month for games between the sheets.
There are things that parents simply shouldn't say to their children, especially daughters. Melita Kuhar, a renowned consultant for partner relationships and child-rearing, writes about what phrases parents use to destroy their daughters' good self-esteem.
Why does it seem so easy for some couples to maintain a happy and fulfilling relationship? The secret is in ten habits that beautify everyday life and conjure warmth in the heart.
Pivovarna Union, in cooperation with the Pristop agency and the digital agency Renderspace, will launch a mobile application in the coming year that will promote hanging out with friends without using a phone. Looking around cafes, bars, even fitness centers, more than half of the people are on their mobile phones.
Members of the Student Section of the Slovenian Public Relations Society (ŠS PRSS) are organizing the 8th PR Theater, Student Conference on Public Relations this year. The theme of this year's conference is Get in touch. With it, they want to urge students and others not to wait for success to fall into their laps, but to be active and take the first step, even though this often requires a lot of courage. All subsequent steps are easier, and when you reach your destination, you realize that every experience is worth the effort.
Contrary to stereotypical beliefs, more and more men are opting for women with larger breasts, cellulite and other full curves - at least that's what the latest scientific study says.
Before entering a new relationship, check if the stars are in your favor. Some astrological combinations do not have much chance of success, as they are supposed to have very little in common.
Are the wives of billionaires really spoiled supermodels who spend their days between hairdressers and parties? No way. We dispelled the myths surrounding the wives of billionaires and decided to show you what the wives of the richest people in the world are actually like.