It has happened to everyone that some people simply stopped being a part of your life. Maybe friends or partners, but definitely people who once meant something to you. Those with whom you were close, but the relationship ended in a breakup.
In recent years, we have noticed how much the world of dating and getting to know each other has changed. If it used to be considered that the person who invites us to spend time together has a desire for a serious relationship, now it happens that this is not necessarily the case. Before making a final commitment, many people want to keep their options open - that is, go on dates with several different people. But how do you react if the person you're dating tells you they want to keep their options open?
Sometimes small lies or distortions of the truth are not harmful to a relationship, for example when you want to avoid an unnecessary fight over something really insignificant. But there are also those lies that are very damaging to the relationship. Even if telling the truth seems scary, there are four types of lies you should never tell because they can eventually destroy even the best of relationships. Of course, no relationship is perfect, but a good and quality relationship is built on honesty. So avoid lying about the things listed below and try to build the link as much as possible on transparency.
What habits are good to avoid to help you find your way to success? Sometimes you try and try, but real success doesn't come out of nowhere. Are you wondering why? What are you doing wrong?
Many people remember their first love. Beautiful, less beautiful, or even neutral, and it has a profound effect on the rest of your life. It affects the psyche as well as the biological settings. We are talking about love that occurs in the teenage years, between the ages of 13 and 19.
You've probably come across a person who just doesn't know how to take a compliment. You say something nice to her, but she will always find a reason to refute it instead of saying thanks and just being happy. Maybe you are like that?
You shouldn't care what other people think about you. Don't think about it, it's none of your business. You know - who you are!
All humans are narcissistic to some degree. But those with marked narcissism pay little or no attention to the feelings and needs of others. They are focused on themselves and their needs, and relationships with them are often tinged with a note of bitterness and a sense of inequality.
One of the most beautiful things is meeting someone with whom we completely get along, whether it's a romantic or platonic relationship. However, you have to be careful when it comes to friendship: it is still too easy to ignore the signs that show that the friendship will have a very fast or unhappy ending. We have prepared for you 6 signs that mean you have encountered a toxic friend.
Manipulators want to make you feel negative. They play with your emotions. Any provocation is manipulative, because someone is trying to suppress your emotions, encourage impulsiveness and malaise.
Have you ever met someone who piqued your interest and hung out with them a few times, but then they either stopped responding to your messages or didn't respond until a few days later? The so-called "hosting" does not awaken the best feelings in anyone, but it does not mean that you have to accept that the relationship has ended. We have prepared 8 messages for you that you can send if you feel that your crush is losing interest - these will reveal to you whether she really does not want a potential relationship or maybe she simply did not have time.
Setting boundaries is very important in all areas of our lives: both in the relationships we cultivate with those closest to us and in the workplace. If we don't put them in place, the others will - willingly or unwillingly - take advantage of them and make us feel unheard and disregarded. That's why we've prepared for you 4 signs that you need to set a boundary and ways to do it.