
Toxic parents: signs that your parent is "toxic" and how to deal with it

Photo: imdb, Carrie

The more toxic an individual is, the more they want to control everything around them, and a toxic parent will make unreasonable and impossible demands on their children when they are young, and later when they grow up. If you have a toxic friend or hang out with someone who has these traits, you can limit your association or even cut off all contact with them. But if it is a parent or partner, it is not easy to avoid them.

How to recognize a toxic parent?

Toxic parents are emotionally out of control. They are inclined to dramatization and they see every problem as a reason to become angry, verbally abusive or destructive. A toxic person cannot feel empathy for others, he does not see their needs and desires, but only himself.

1. Desire for control

The more toxic an individual is, the more they want to control everything around you, and a toxic parent will make unreasonable and impossible demands on their children both at a young age and later as they grow up.

2. Criticality

A toxic parent cannot see achievements of their children, regardless of how much the child has done in life. They constantly reduce the value of other people around them, and at the same time they show themselves to be talented in many things.

3. They always blame everyone but themselves

He is always to blame for disagreements in the family somebody else. These parents cannot take responsibility for any problems, blame everything on the rest of the family and often turn things around.

Toxic parents are emotionally out of control. They tend to dramatize and see every problem as a reason to become angry, verbally violent or destructive.
Photo: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

How to deal with toxic parents

The first thing that even adult children of toxic parents need to understand is that they can only control their own behavior and that they have no ability to change or control their parents' behavior.

Recognizing and accepting that the parent is toxic and unwilling to change allows you to you think without regret about their needs. You have the ability to define your relationship to meet your emotional needs as well as to avoid judgment, hostility and toxicity.

1. Setting boundaries

Clearly define, what you will accept and what you will not, as this is crucial. Be clear about setting these boundaries and limit contact so that you can spend time in a positive and healthy way.

2. Taking care of yourself

Be kind to yourself. You don't have to spend every vacation, holiday or weekend with a "toxic" parent. Instead, spend time with positive people.

Also, talking to a therapist or counselor can be helpful in understanding the impact toxic parents on your life and developing strategies for further relationships.

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