An exam period or a situation where we have to learn something new is a time when most people question their intelligence. At that time, many people wonder why they easily remember the new song of their favorite artist, the names of all the Hollywood stars and movies they watched, and stories from the yellow press, but their brain does not want to accept the information that they really need at that moment. Scientists say don't stick to these 5 tricks for faster and more successful learning. If you follow them, success is guaranteed.
Applying deodorant seems like the easiest thing to do, but after all these years, it turns out that we're clearly not applying it correctly! These are our four most common mistakes!
Life teaches you over the years that it's better to keep things to yourself. Think about it, some people are happy because you have problems, so you should not confide these secrets to anyone, because you can be left without them.
Regrets are unavoidable, which is why it's all the more important to live the right life.
You know that there can be noise in the communication during correspondence via messages. Ending a text message with a period is interpreted completely differently than if you don't use it. Check out why you should avoid it.
Merry December is approaching. On the one hand, we look forward to it, but on the other hand, we tremble before the pressure of buying gifts for friends, family, colleagues, pets... Frantic shopping carries the risk of sucking up all the charm of the Christmas spirit, and it can also be a real shock to our wallet. Read 8 ways to avoid bankruptcy during the holidays.
The temperature in the air conditioner is too low. Open window in the car. Draft in the apartment. Wind, rain and wet hair. These are just a few of the reasons you blame for catching a cold. Later, you caught the flu. You want to get better as soon as possible, but you don't know how to start the healing process, because you only know the myths about flu and colds, which have probably not brought you anything good until now. Here is the truth.
In contrast to a simple cold, which is unpleasant but quite harmless for the majority of the population, the flu can have serious consequences. Read our list of 11 things you should never do when you have the flu.
Some people follow expiration dates strictly and no one can convince them to use a certain thing after the expiration date. Others, on the other hand, do not change the dates, as they follow the rule that the markings on the packaging are only a guideline, with which manufacturers legally insure themselves. Well, maybe those who strictly throw away everything that has expired are smart, because you will be surprised by the list of things that we use despite the expiration date, but do not realize it.
Didn't find the answer to the question 'what is a good life'? Then participation in the one-day marathon of positive psychology is mandatory. On October 13, for the third time in a row in Ljubljana, speakers will help participants find a way to a meaningful life.
We know Barack Obama not only as the former president of the USA, but also as a very wise man. Today, the 57-year-old man, who was educated at Harvard Law School, received many awards during his lifetime.
Plumbing repair is certainly not an easy task, so it is crucial that we try to prevent any malfunctions. Otherwise, you will have to dig deep into your wallet.