Being a leader no longer involves the same qualities it did a decade ago. Modern leaders are not people who close in on themselves and are afraid to share their knowledge, experience and successes with others. They allow themselves to explore, dream and achieve their goals by maintaining a sense of freedom within the community. Modern leaders are not slaves to their work, but creators of their destiny.
Everyone who has at least as much of a sweet tooth as we do knows that fall and the approaching holidays mean only one thing - loads of sweet apple pies, wraps, caramel apples and other sweets that are so welcome in the colder days. To make it easier to give up unhealthy vices, we have prepared 5 tips on how to mitigate, if not completely eliminate, the desire for sugar...
People often compliment Regina Brett that she looks great for her age of 90. Well, it turns out that the lady is actually 54 years old and not 90 as the web says. She began writing Life Lessons the night before her 45th birthday, the day after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her life lessons are spreading extremely fast, they have gone viral. And even though Ms. Regina is not 90 years old, she has touched many lives and the lessons are appropriate for anyone who has forgotten what is truly important in life.
It doesn't matter if you and your partner have been together for just three months or a decade - breaking up always hurts. When we fall in love and let a new person into our lives, with whom we share all areas of our lives, our body is flooded with hormones of happiness, while the breakup of a relationship and the departure of a partner can feel like complete destruction. Even if we are not the initiator of the end of a love relationship, we can feel great sadness when our partner leaves. Here are 6 tips to get over a breakup as quickly as possible…
Summer seems to be in full swing these days. But high temperatures also have their disadvantages. Excessive heat seriously disturbs the body, causing irritability, sleep problems, fatigue and, among other things, lack of concentration. Food and drink play such a big role in cooling our body down to a healthy temperature. Here are tips on what to eat on these hot days and what are the pros of such food.
In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, security is one of the basic requirements that a person must fulfill. Whatever we do, we always want to be safe. Likewise, safety should not be neglected when traveling. And we are not only talking about the insurance that we can get when booking a flight, but also about the weaknesses of our destination and the things that we need to consider in order to be as safe as possible on our trip. Here are tips on how to stay safe while traveling.
During the summer holidays, we always feel like little children. And no matter how early we start preparing for them, on the last night we will still be tossing and turning in bed until two in the morning, thinking about what we forgot. Meanwhile, even the children will not be able to sleep from the excitement. While we can't help you much with that, we can help you with everything else related to travel. So here are 21 travel tricks that you must know before you go on vacation.
Many of us spend our twenties engaging in "unhealthy behaviors" that are out of our system—sleeping until two in the afternoon or spending money to get by on completely unnecessary material goods. The 30s are an ideal time to strengthen your good habits, which will help you achieve personal and professional fulfillment. Here are ten life habits for 30-somethings that will lay the foundation for lifelong success.
Aging is definitely inevitable, but in addition to playing sports and eating healthy, we can take care of our youthful appearance with a few simple daily habits. Here are 5 daily habits that prevent aging…
It is a mistake to believe that a better camera will automatically make a better photo. The latter is created by the photographer, not the camera. This is only a tool to achieve the goal, so it is far from everything depending on expensive equipment. In photography, therefore, there are some golden commandments that cannot be replaced by any solutions that manufacturers try to create shortcuts to quality. One such is the composition, which often decides whether a photo deserves a place in the album or not. Mastering the basic rules of composition in photography is therefore one of the prerequisites for creating good photos. And here are some tips.
Do you know basic Facebook tricks? Like it or not, Facebook has hooked the younger and older generations. It seems as if there is no escape from him. Despite various protests and outcry at changes to the website's appearance or privacy rules, people like sheep are returning to Facebook. And if we really have to, it's good to know some "secrets" that will help preserve a little more privacy and solve our mental state with one click. Here are useful Facebook tricks that we must know.
Tips for using the Google Chrome web browser will come in handy for a large part of Slovenian web users, as Google Chrome is the most popular web browser in Slovenia (and also in the world) with a 38.5% share, according to the data of the Survey of Website Visits (MOSS). Therefore, it is right to offer some useful tips that will further improve the user experience of this user favorite.