
Take 9 minutes a day for your child's happiness!

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Just 9 minutes that will make him smile. Believe it or not, children need less than 10 minutes a day to feel happy and loved.

Some, as parents, feel quite lost from day one. They wonder how to use all the advice they received from their parents and elsewhere.

Although the period when your world is turned upside down and a small creature enters your life is challenging, it is also the time when the little ones grow up a little. In most cases, your primary goal is to be emotionally present in your children's lives every morning.

You just don't have enough time in the day for everything. Your mind turns into a sponge that absorbs only what the child is looking for. You are overwhelmed with obligations. You fail to fulfill everything, the most important duty, spending quality time with your children.

Are you setting your standards too high? It is not necessary to play with them all day. Consider short attention spans throughout the day. Consider nine minutes of pure happiness.

Give your family your time! Photo: Elina Fairytale / Pexels

Hugging and petting children has been shown to release happy hormones and relieve stress in both parents and children. Even talking to the child before going to bed gives the child the opportunity to process his feelings and deepen the relationship with his parents.

And how are those nine minutes going?

The first three minutes occur immediately after waking up

This is often the most chaotic part of the day. Awakening. Breakfast. Washing. Getting dressed. Departure. To make your day start better and more pleasant, get up a little earlier and lie under the blanket of your little one and wake him up with kisses. Cuddle with him for three minutes.

Three minutes when they come from kindergarten or school

The fact is that even after returning home from work, there is a lot of work waiting for you. The problem arises when the children come home. In that moment, let go of everything. That's right, but now take three minutes and spend them with them. Ask them how their day was, or what's bothering them, or hold them in your arms in a hug without talking.

Make your child smile at bedtime. Photo: Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

Three minutes before bed

And certainly the most important three minutes are those at the end of the day. The time you spend with your child gives him a chance to collect his thoughts and relax before bed. Research shows that children have far fewer nightmares if parents take a few minutes to hug or cuddle with them before bed.

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