You will once again be able to take care of a virtual pet that expects your full attention. Tamagotchi can start beeping for food at any time or if it wants attention, it can also say something stupid. Go back to your childhood and explore the novelty of the new and updated Tamagotchi.
At a time when the Internet was not yet an integral part of our lives, we entertained ourselves in various ways, and the Tamagotchi was the closest thing to modern games as we know them today.
Favorite "virtual" pets the pet was created in the mid-90s in Japan and today is considered one of the biggest trends in the world of toys. Although it lost its charm over the years, it has now returned to the famous Amazon platform in the same design and with the same program as 30 years ago.
You can feed him, dress him, bathe him, give him medicine, play with him, or discipline him. You can also play a game where you have to guess which way the tamagotchi will go. You can raise your favorite pet from an egg, through a baby to an adult pet that can grow into seven different variants.
Fans of this game do not hide their satisfaction because of the old program and design, so the reviews are really great.
“This is a complete remake! It's great and makes me nostalgic. It's like taking the original childhood pets and putting them in even prettier boxes! The technology and software are the same as we had in the 90s. The sound is also the same as the original virtual pets had. I really like it, pure Friday!”, says one of the users.
Zadnja posodobitev 2025-02-26 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API