
You can remove tartar with herbs: a recipe for a tartar remover mixture

Photo: Geralt / Pixabay

Prepare a mouthwash that prevents the formation of tartar, but can also be easily removed. All you need is peppermint oil, lemon juice and anise and a glass of water.

Tartar or dental plaque is a hard, yellowish and gray plaque on the teeth that usually appears on the lower teeth and is associated with genetics, poor dental hygiene, coffee, carbonated drinks and cigarettes.

It contains large amounts bacteria, which produce many acids that destroy the structure of tooth enamel and can cause caries. Over time, it causes inflammation of the gums, which become swollen, red and painful to the touch.

Untreated inflammation of the gums it can affect the ligaments that hold the tooth in the bone and the surrounding bone. In such chronic forms, the periodontium disappears and the bone itself recedes, which is found in the patient's mouth as these pockets between the teeth and the gums, and the loss of bone around the teeth is visible on an X-ray - and the inevitable periodontosis is indicated as the final stage, doctors warn.

Take care of your teeth. Photo: Candid / Unsplash

To prevent this is the most important thing regular and good brushing of teeth, use of dental floss and removal of tartar at the dentist. But there is another way to remove it and reduce its appearance - by making your own mouthwash.

Let's look at two natural recipes.

Recipe #1

– a few drops of peppermint oil
– a little lemon juice
– anise
Pour the ingredients into a glass of water and mix, then rinse your mouth thoroughly with the mixture.

If you don't feel like visiting the dentist, remove it naturally. Photo: Daniel Frank/Unsplash

Recipe #2

– half a cup of fresh rosemary
– 1 cup of fresh mint
– 2 cups of water
Mix everything and let it boil for a few minutes, and after a few minutes strain it and let it cool. Then rinse your mouth with the prepared mixture.

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