
The ten most expensive diamonds in the world

9. The Jubilee is a larger piece than the original 258.69 (245.35) carat colorless diamond

Earth has given us many extraordinary things, and we can probably agree, well, at least the female part of the population, that one of its most beautiful creations is diamonds. We were already convinced by James Bond that they are eternal, and those who doubt their awesomeness may be convinced by the 10 most expensive examples.

At the same time, it should not be overlooked that, in addition to diamonds, the Earth has produced many other wonderful creations, which we all too often seem to take for granted. The atmosphere that allows us to breathe, biodiversity and drinking water are just some of them, that is, diamonds in some other form, which may not shine like the real thing, but unlike diamonds, which have a price, they are priceless.

But the diamonds are what they are synonymous with wealth and luxury. A status symbol of the wealthy, found on rings and other types of jewelry since the days of kings and queens. And if this has not changed over time, then the grinding technique has advanced, which has reduced the loss of carats to the extreme during the filing phase. And speaking of extremes.

Ladies and gentlemen, take a look at the ten most valuable ones in the gallery

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