
That's why you have to make time for the sunset!

We all know how romantic, inspiring and Instagram-worthy sunsets are. However, most people don't take the time to observe them... perhaps only on vacation. As if this magical moment only happens in exotic places where there are no daily obligations.

But sunsets happen every day, no matter where we are. As the days get longer and the weather warmer and nicer, watching sunsets becomes more convenient, and it's easier and easier to fit this magical moment into your regular schedule every day.

Here are some reasons why you should take time for sunset!

Time stops

Real. Watching the sunset slows down the perception of time. She proved it research from 2012. Participants who watched the sunset with admiration – defined as those who "a strong emotional response to something so powerful changes the mental schema" –, felt that they had more time available and became less impatient. The researchers concluded that "the experience of admiration brings people into the present moment, which proves that admiration affects the perception of time, decision-making processes and overall satisfaction with life".

So if you feel like your days are too short, take some time to watch the sunset and you will once again feel like you are the ruler of your time.

Take the time to watch the sunset, and you will once again feel like you are the ruler of your time.
Take the time to watch the sunset and you will once again feel like you are the ruler of your time.

It doesn't take long... and it makes you want to go outside

Even if you go back to the office right after the sun hides behind a mountain, falls into the sea or disappears over the horizon, the time you spend outside in the fresh air will be beneficial for you. Those 20 minutes you'll be out there will returned a sense of vitality, says the whole series of studiespublished in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. The lead author of the study, Dr. Richard Ryan says it is "nature is fuel for the soul". The researchers warn: "When we feel exhausted, we usually reach for a cup of coffee, but it's much better to connect with nature to boost energy."

Healthy multitasking

You can watch the sunset in several ways: while running, walking, riding a bike or simply sitting down. Even the first three ways - during exercise - are proven to be healthy for you, because relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. However, watching the sunset while simply sitting quietly is also very healing - it is an excellent opportunity for mindfulness training. As noted in studies Perspectives on Psychological Science, is mindfulness "observing the present moment without judgment" and has proven many healing psychological and physical effects, too reducing stress and improving cognitive function.

Is there a better way to practice mindfulness than watching the sun disappear over the horizon?

Watching the sunset is an excellent training for attention and mindfulness.
Watching the sunset is an excellent training for attention and mindfulness.

You will put down your phone

As long as we observe sunsets only on holidays or during really special events, we will feel that we have to photograph these magical moments, publish them, share them with others in order to build a real monument to all the magnificence that unfolds before our eyes. But if we start watching sunsets regularly, we will no longer have this need.

Arianna Huffington, editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post Media Group, warned in her book Thrive that you can over-reliance on technology makes us miss the moment. "Even during the beautiful events with which we celebrate our lives, we are rarely fully present to fully consume them," she said. While watching the sunset, you will give your brain a chance to recharge and renew.

You will appreciate the gifts of life more

People all over the world are drawn to sunsets, but a few special places around the world have really embraced the sunset as a daily opportunity to give thanks. In places like Santorini in Greece and Maui in Hawaii, the sunset is considered real evening celebration. Crowds gather in these places to await the sunset with enthusiasm and applause, reinforcing the idea that we should celebrate and be grateful for every day.

Research have confirmed that being mindful and grateful is good for health. Practicing gratitude is linked to feelings of overall joy, improves sleep quality, and even increases your patience.

People should celebrate and be thankful for just about every day.
People should celebrate and be thankful for every day.

It is a source of inspiration

There is a reason that sunsets are the timeless and eternal companions of poets, writers and other romantics who find these magical moments a true source of inspiration. Mahatma Gandhi observed this incredible power and said: "When I admire this wonder of the sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul connects with the worship of the creator."

There is something incredibly powerful and spiritual about sunsets, and bringing these feelings into our daily rhythms can be very beneficial. V article Psychological and Physical Benefits of Spiritual/Religious Practices, written by Dr. Ellen L. Idler, professor of sociology at Emory University, says they have transcendental spiritual and religious experiences positive, healing, strengthening influence, especially if they are built into a daily, weekly, seasonal or annual life cycle.

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