
The 5 most common reasons why you wake up thirsty at night

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

It must have happened to you that you woke up in the middle of the night with a dry throat and a feeling of immense thirst. At a time when the nights are warm and the days even hotter, this is completely normal, especially if you sleep in a cramped room without air conditioning. But what if this happens to you all year round? Then the cause most likely lies elsewhere. We have prepared for you the 5 most common reasons for waking up thirsty at night.

1. You don't drink enough

Even in warmer days it is imperative that we take care of hydration. S by sweating namely our body lose a lot of water, and the risk of dehydration also increases if you walk a lot and se you recreate.
Therefore, it is important to pay attention to sleep during the day enough water. For women, the recommended amount is approx 2.5 l, and for men 3.5 l daily, but can at fever and movement quantity increase. We suggest you drink plain water and no sweet juices and carbonated drinks, which can make your body even more they dry out.

Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day Photo: Giorgio Trovato / Unsplash

2. Your dinner is to blame

Even if during the day our body receives enough quantity, can take care of dehydration at night unhealthy dinner. Be careful that your last meal of the day does not contain too much salt or sugar, which can cause you to wake up thirsty a few hours later.
We also suggest not drinking before bed of alcohol. It is considered one of the main causes dehydration.

3. The cause lies in your mattress

In recent years, they have gained immense popularity memory foam mattresses. Yes, this material can be useful if you suffer from back pain, but it also has some disadvantages.
When first time lying on such a mattress, you will probably feel comfortable cooled. But eventually this material starts to dissipate heat back to the body and thus reaches completely the opposite effect. And more than you hot, more thirsty you will, so we recommend that you choose a mattress made of other materials, the best latex foams.

The cause may lie in your mattress Photo: Vlada Karpovich / Pexels

4. You breathe through your mouth

It is also a common cause of nocturnal thirst breathing through the mouth. Such a way of breathing causes greater fluid loss in the body, thus causing you to wake up dehydrated. It causes even greater water loss snoring.
If you feel like you're breathing through your mouth, be during the day watch out that you will breathed through the nose: in this way your body will a habit in the correct way of breathing. We also recommend using bigger pillows, recreation and a calm evening routine (the cause of rapid and excessive exhalation often lies in stress).

5. You have a disordered sleep routine

Research shows that in people who they sleep too little, the risk of nocturnal dehydration is significantly higher. That's why it's important to make an effort to sleep at night at least 8 hours and that your sleep will be quality.
You will also have more chances to be thirsty at night if you do it before bed a few hours spend in bed awake. So get organized relaxed evening routines, which will not contain the use mobile devices and others distractions.

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