
The best affirmations to lull you to sleep

Photo: Envato

The problems we face and the traumas we experience most often affect our sleep, which is vital for health. Here are some affirmations that can help you fall asleep.

Can't fall asleep? Having trouble calming your mind? Do you wake up at night and think you'll never be able to sleep again? That's not true.

There are always solutions. Say yoga, meditation and even applications.

If nothing helps, you can try affirmations or mantras to calm your thoughts and get better sleep.

What is affirmation and how to use it for better sleep?

Mantras or affirmations are words, sounds, syllables or phonemes that have been used for thousands of years to achieve inner peace and quiet the mind. In the past, mantras were most often pronounced in Sanskrit, but today they have become so widespread that we pronounce them in our native language or a language that suits us, most often in the form of "I am", which should allow us to create a new mindset.

Repetitive mantra or affirmation it can also work as a form of meditation, he says Tara Swart, neuroscientist and author of the books Secrets of the Universe and Brain Science.

Core beliefs prevent us from reaching our full potential or from settling down.

Photo: Envato

Affirmations can help reduce feelings of helplessness and increase feelings of self-confidence

Research reveals that repeating a mantra can silence the part of the brain responsible for self-image, and improve mood and sleep quality. Silent repetition of the mantra calms the system, it is responsible for "wandering thoughts", thinking about the past or the future.

How to use affirmations

Get started repeat an affirmation of your choice (the one that suits you best) while, for example, brushing your teeth or cooking. You write it down before going to bed. It is important that the words repeat with understanding and composure.

By repeating the chosen mantra and focusing on its meaning, you will create a kind of meditative state, with which you will calm anxious thoughts and thanks to this you will fall asleep more easily.

If you want to create your own affirmation (which is also recommended, since none of the ones offered are written by you), se focus on the positive (for example, use the phrase "I'm calm" instead of "I'm not worried") and try a few different thoughts until you come up with an affirmation that works for you.

In the meantime, try one of these six affirmations for better sleep:

  • I deserve a break.
  • Dreams are power.
  • At this point, I'm sure of myself.
  • I am able to sleep.
  • I release all emotional negativity.
  • Everything is as it should be.

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