
How to prepare a great chestnut in 3 minutes?

Do you know how to prepare chestnuts the fastest? Well, it's easiest to buy a scoop on the street, because someone else has already done everything for us. But chestnut bakers aren't always around, and you'd still like it to be ready as quickly as popcorn. Because who still has time during the week to bake or cook chestnuts in the traditional way! In such cases, the "good old" microwave oven comes to our aid.

It takes time to prepare chestnuts, but only if you don't know how to prepare this best autumn snack as quickly as possible. It includes a chestnut, a plastic container, some water and microwave oven.

READ MORE: 10 health benefits of chestnuts are proof that not all delicious things in life are unhealthy

Preparing chestnuts in the microwave

First put the chestnuts under water. Then cut along the rounded part of the fruit. Once you have done this, pour enough water into the plastic container with the chestnuts to soak all the chestnuts in it. Cover the bowl with a paper towel and microwave for about 3 minutes (depending on the amount of chestnuts). Next comes the hardest part: peeling. The key is to peel them while they are still hot, but not too hot for good measure. Therefore, pour them with a little cold water and immediately go into action. This way, the shell will come off the easiest. Have a good run!

Video demonstration of making chestnuts in the microwave:

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