
The best robot vacuum cleaners of 2019: for a crystal-clean home

The best robot vacuum cleaners of 2019 will make sure that when you come home, you will be greeted by a crystal clean floor.

The best robot vacuum cleaners of 2019 they will really go out of their way to make your cleaning easy! In today's fast pace of life, it often happens that we simply run out of time for household chores. But we all know how nice it is to have a clean home. When everything shines and smells good. Thanks to technology, we can leave the cleaning to someone else. Even when we are not at home. No, this is not a cleaning service robotic vacuum cleaner.

Robot vacuum cleaners 2019 are very practical. Any robotic vacuum cleaner, even the affordable one, can let's set cleaning schedules. If the robot vacuum cleaner supports Wi-Fi connection, he can cleaning we order right through the app even when we are not at home. We can also order them which rooms or which end of the room they are not allowed to enter. If you want to always have a clean floor and have complete control over it, then a robotic vacuum cleaner is the right choice.

The best robot vacuum cleaners of 2019

iRobot Roomba 671

The Roomba 671 model has been extremely popular among users for some time. Of course, this is also helped by the well-known and trusted brand iRobot, which already has a reputation for producing robotic vacuum cleaners long tradition. A Roomba 671 is really very easy to use. We can also manage it through a mobile application and we order him to clean even when we are not at home. Because enables Wi-Fi connectivity, will be also understood smart assistants, such as Alexa or Google Assistant.

Ecovacs Deebot N79S

The Deebot N79S is one of the few affordable robot vacuum cleaners that boast smart controls. A vacuum cleaner is possible manage through the app and smart assistants, such as Alexa and Google Assistant. It can also boast of exceptional suction power, so it will also be able to vacuum larger rubbish. In addition to setting cleaning schedules and sending the vacuum cleaner to a certain room, you can also order it to do some special tasks, such as cleaning the edges along the wall.

iRobot Braava Jet m6

This sweeper/dishwasher is by no means cheap, but he does his job with distinction. He will make sure they are your floor always clean and shiny. It is smart enough to be able to direct itself using cameras and sensors and make sure it doesn't get stuck somewhere (which tends to happen to cheaper models). After a few cleanings he can also create a map of your apartment himself, and in the mobile application you tell it which rooms to clean.

Eufy RoboVac 11S

An excellent and affordable robot vacuum cleaner is also ready to clean thanks to its low profile hard-to-reach places under cabinets. Its setup is very simple, though this version does not support mobile app communication. Cleaning schedules are thus set via the supplied remote control. Of course, you can choose another version of the robot vacuum cleaner that supports either an app or Wi-Fi connection. The latter adds to the functions the possibility of placing an invisible wall so that the vacuum cleaner does not get lost.

iLife V5s Pro

It would be under 200 euros difficult to find a more comprehensive solution, like this robotic vacuum cleaner. That this is not a fluke is confirmed by a bunch of satisfied users. It is an affordable vacuum cleaner that in addition to vacuuming, it also performs a wet cleaning function. In addition, we also get longer whisks, which ensure that otherwise inaccessible edges are clean. Like most affordable vacuum cleaners, this one too does not have its own mobile application, rather cleaning schedules are set via the remote control.

iRobot Roomba i7+ with automatic garbage disposal

Every robot vacuum eventually fills up with trash, so the container must be emptied manually. Or we can choose a robotic vacuum cleaner in combination with the station, which enables automatic garbage disposal. So it is always ready for a new cleaning. Garbage is later removed from the upper part of the cleaning station. Otherwise, he is a model Roomba i7+ excellent robot vacuum cleaner, which, like the Braava Jet m6 model, you remember the map of the room and creates the most optimal cleaning path. We can manage it through a mobile application respectively smart assistants.

Info Box

The editors are not responsible for the stated prices. Prices at online retailers are dynamic in nature and may change at any time. They were written at the time of editing.

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