
The Municipality of Ljubljana invites you to the Cool job project!

The Youth Office of the City of Ljubljana invites young people to join the Cool Job project! Twenty-one of the applicants will be offered training in institutes and companies established by the Municipality of Ljubljana.

Young people, welcome to apply!

Would you like to apply for a position, but you don't have the work experience that the job offers require? Youth Office of the City of Ljubljana wants you with the project Cool job! enable just that. Comprehensive, concrete and high-quality acquisition of work experience in public institutions.

Young people who apply will compete for a two- or three-month training at twenty-one jobs in fifteen public institutions and companies, the founder of which is the Municipality of Ljubljana. Before that, these companies trained mentors who will ensure that the selected apprentices are as successfully integrated into the working environment as possible. All those selected will also attend four workshops before the start of on-the-job training to make the beginnings easier, more pleasant and less stressful.

Project Cool job! organized by the Youth Office (photo: Nik Rovan)
Project Cool job! organized by the Office for Youth. (Photo: Nik Rovan)

“Although Cool job! does not enable direct employment, but it is this contact between young jobseekers and employers that enables both to be more active on the labor market," summarized the Youth Office of the City of Ljubljana, where the first applications are already eagerly awaited.

READ MORE: What to do with your hands during a job interview?

The public invitation has been published at this link. The application deadline is here December 31, 2016 December 20, 2016 at 11 a.m., a public invitation will also be presented in the City Hall, where young people will be able to receive direct information from employers participating in the project.

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