
The color of the bedding affects the quality of sleep: which color shades are the best and which should be avoided?

Photo: envato

How does the color of bedding affect the quality of sleep and why should you avoid white bedding?

While we know we can the color of the walls in the bedroom it affects sleep quality, experts warn that the color of the bedding is also important for a good night's rest.

How does the color of bedding affect the quality of sleep?

Use of neutral colors in bedrooms is the best choice, but the opposite is true for the color of the bedding. When choosing bedding, you should should avoid white and light blue.

Yellow, orange, red and black shades are the best.

What color is your bedding? Photo: Jean Van Der Meulen / Pexels

White and light blue bedding is said to affect the level of melatonin, a hormone secreted at night that is important for regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

When choosing the color of the bedding, it is therefore reasonable to consider colors that will stimulate the natural production of melatonin and consequently improve the quality of sleep.

Experts recommend for better sleep darker shades of bedding, such as grey, dark green or blue. These colors calm and reduce stress, which affects the quality of sleep.

Make the bedroom your safe place. Photo: Freemockupsorg / Pexels

In addition to the color of the bedding, it is also important fabric quality. Quality bedding made from natural materials such as cotton is breathable and gentle on the skin, ensuring a better night's sleep. At the same time, avoid bedding made of synthetic materials, which can cause allergic reactions and discomfort during sleep.

If you want to improve the quality of your sleep, don't forget about proper maintenance of bedding. Washing your bedding regularly, at least once a week, will help remove dust, bacteria and other allergens and provide a fresh and healthy sleeping environment.

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