
The craziest personality type that only 1 % of the world's population has: Are you an INFJ?

Identify the characteristics that define this extremely rare personality

Photo: Unsplash / Artem Beliaikin

Psychology offers us a wide spectrum of personality types, one of the most prominent and rarest of which is the INFJ. This personality type, which represents only 1 % of the world's population, was recognized through the "Myers-Briggs" test, the basis of which was established by the famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. The INFJ personality is a unique combination of introversion, intuition, feeling and judging (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging).

Check if you find yourself among these properties

    1. Compassion and Empathy: INFJs are known for their ability to deeply understand and empathize with others. With their strong intuition and emotional perception, they can feel the pain and emotions of others, which often leads them to help people and give advice.
    2. Idealism and Action: INFJs are not just dreamers who envision a better world, but actually take action to make it better. They have deep-rooted values and a desire for positive change in society.
    3. Intuition: INFJs rely heavily on their intuition to help them understand the deeper causes of situations and predict future events. This enables them to have a high level of perception and insight into the circumstances.
    4. Creativity: With a rich inner world, INFJs are often creative individuals who express their ideas through art, writing or music. Their imagination helps them cope with everyday stressful situations.
    5. Focus on the future: INFJs have a clear vision of their future and set high goals. Their determination and organizational skills help them follow their plans and achieve their goals.
    6. Deep, authentic connections: INFJs value deep and authentic relationships. They rarely rely on superficial contacts, preferring fewer but more sincere friends with whom they share their deepest feelings and thoughts.

Are you an INFJ?

If you recognize yourself in at least four of the above-mentioned characteristics, there is a good chance that you belong to this rare group of people. INFJs are complex and multifaceted personalities who combine empathy, idealism, intuition and a strong internal motivation for change. Their uniqueness and rarity make them special, but also important for society, as they bring positive changes with their abilities and values.

Questionnaire for identifying the INFJ personality

  1. Do you often feel deep empathy for other people and pick up on their emotions, even if they don't express them directly?
  2. Do you feel most fulfilled when you can help others or contribute to positive change in society?
  3. Do you have a strong intuition that often helps you understand the deeper causes of events and predict future situations?
  4. Do you have a rich inner world of imagination and often express your creativity through art, writing or other forms of creativity?
  5. Do you prefer to maintain a small number of deep and genuine friendships rather than many superficial contacts?
  6. Do you often think about the future and have a clear vision of your goals and plans?
  7. Do you feel that you have a strong desire for meaning and purpose in life and that this is one of your main motivators?
  8. Do you tend to be very organized and try to plan things in advance to stay in control of situations?
  9. Do you often feel that you are different from most of the people around you, which sometimes leads to feelings of being misunderstood or lonely?
  10. Do you have a strong sense of justice and are deeply affected by injustices in the world, which makes you strive for positive change?

Evaluation rules:

  • If you answered “Yes” to at least 4 questions, it is very likely that you have INFJ personality traits.
  • If you answered "Yes" to more than 7 questions, there is a high probability that you belong to this rare group of personalities.
  • Please note that this questionnaire is for informational purposes only and cannot replace an official psychological test. To accurately determine your personality type, we recommend taking a certified test such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).


INFJ personality it is truly unique and precious. Their capacity for empathy, deep intuition and strong desire for positive change make them exceptional individuals. If you recognize yourself in at least four characteristics, there is a high probability that you belong to this rare group. Whether you're an INFJ or not, it's important to appreciate your unique qualities and contribute to a better society in your own way. To learn more about your personality type, consider taking a certified test such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

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