
The girl tried to eat a live octopus, but it attacked her

The girl tried to eat a live octopus, but it attacked her

Connoisseurs of Asian culture know that the biggest fans of seafood eat live animals - and a specialty that only the bravest dare to try is live octopus. An animal hit back at this Asian blogger.

Years ago, the world media wrote about a woman who ate an octopus and thus lost her life, as she stopped breathing. The apparently unfortunate situation was not convincing enough for Asian blogger Seaside Girl Little Seven, who posted on her profile on the Asian social network Weibo posts photos and videos, in which enjoys seafood. And this time she tried eat a live octopus, not realizing that she had gotten into one of the smarter and more dangerous animals.


At the moment when the girl tried to eat the tentacle, the octopus sucked on her face with all her might. The blogger found the act funny and told viewers “look how hard she sucked”, but soon after she realized that it was the situation is much more serious. Screaming and crying, she tried to remove the octopus, which was also hers hurt her face.

After freeing herself of her tentacles, she said, “I will eat it in the next video.”

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