
The most interesting records of 2013

Just as records can be interesting, they can be bizarre, bordering on delicious and even shocking. We made a selection of the ten most special in 2013.

Tea party with feet
Tea party with feet

Londoner Leilani Franco earned her entry into the record book with her agility - she drinks tea with her feet.

A man who loves Star Wars
A man who loves Star Wars

The largest Star Wars collection in the world is owned by Steve Sansweet, who has over 300,000 different Star Trek-related items in his museum.

The greatest risotto
The greatest risotto

In February, they set a record for the preparation of baked rice in Costa Rica - 52 chefs cooked it, served it to 7,000 people, and the total weight of the prepared rice was 1,360 kilograms.

A dog the size of an iPhone
A dog the size of an iPhone

The shortest dog in the world is the Puerto Rican Milly and it measures only 9.6 centimeters.

Running on Fridays
Running on Fridays

German Julia Pletcher set a record in high heels – she ran 100 meters in 14.531 seconds.

Goat skater
Goat skater

The latest Guinness Book of Records also includes an American goat skater named Happie, who entered the Guinness Book of Records with a 25-second skateboard and a distance of 36 meters.

4483 times hula hoop
4483 times hula hoop

In February of this year, 4,483 people hula-hopped in Bangkok for seven minutes, setting a world record for the largest number of simultaneous hula-hops.

A record of face masks
A record of face masks

In July 2013, 1,213 people achieved a Guinness World Record in Taiwan by simultaneously holding their own face mask in front of their faces.

A collection of vacuum cleaners
A collection of vacuum cleaners

Finally, another slightly incomprehensible record. Either the owner of the 322 different models of vacuum cleaners is obsessed with cleaning, or with vacuum cleaners. It is more likely the latter, the British James Brown even opened a museum of vacuum cleaners. Know someone who would like to see it? Me neither.

The lowest limbo on roller skates
The lowest limbo on roller skates

Another one in the "flexible" category of world records is the record for the lowest limb on roller skates. This one belongs to 12-year-old Rohan Kokan, and the stick was at a "height" of 25 centimeters.

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