
These 10 mysteries are still unsolved today

Much information remains hidden from the common mortal. That is why we have no choice but to wonder if the rumors circulating around the world are true. We would still like to get answers to some questions.

Writer Daniel Smith is in his book 100 Things They Don't Want You To Know presented humanity's greatest mysteries, disappearances, unsolved crimes and conspiracy theories. We have created a list for you ten unexplained mysteries, which can be found in this work.

Did Hitler try to make bombers in the shape of an unidentified flying object?

During the Second World War, the German Nazis were said to be working to develop high-tech bombers to be used to attack London and New York. To this day, it is not known whether Hitler really wanted to destroy his opponents in this way.

Hitler is said to have made bombers in the shape of UFOs.
Hitler is said to have made bombers in the shape of UFOs.

Who is the man behind the iron mask?

Based on the story of a man who served time in the Bastille prison in Paris between 1698 and 1703, a film was made starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Although the prisoner's face was always hidden, the guards treated him with care. The most likely theory is that the man was in fact a close relative of Louis XIV, then King of France.

Who Killed the Black Dahlia?

Elizabeth Short, nicknamed the Black Dahlia by the media, was murdered in a California park in 1947. The case, which attracted much public interest, remains unsolved after more than 70 years. It is hard to believe that this will change in the future.

Elizabeth Short or The Black Dahlia
Elizabeth Short or The Black Dahlia

Was Mercy Brown a vampire?

Mercy Brown died of tuberculosis in 1892. Her body was dug out of the ground after two months. It was very surprising that it showed no signs of decay. Many believe that Mercy 'sucked the life out of the family', as her mother and sister also succumbed to the disease shortly after her death.

Do Men in Black really exist?

We got to know the secret organization that controls aliens living on Earth in the trilogy of the same name. Some conspiracy theorists claim that the US government uses science fiction movies to reinforce the belief that aliens do not exist in the real world, even though this is not the case.

Are Men in Black real?
Are Men in Black real?

Why did people decide to dance to death?

The young lady, known as Frau Troffea, began dancing wildly in Strasbourg in July 1518. About 400 people joined her in a month. A large number of these continued their work until their death. The event, known as the 'Dancing Plague', remains unexplained to this day.

Is the Flying Dutchman real?

The Flying Dutchman is a legendary ghost ship that sails the world's seas forever. Maritime culture has known it since the 17th century, when this myth was created. Nevertheless, in the 20th century it was reported several times that the mysterious vessel had been spotted.

The Flying Dutchman by Albert Pinkham Ryder
The Flying Dutchman by Albert Pinkham Ryder

Where is Frederick Valentich?

In October 1978, Australian pilot Frederick Valentich radioed an unidentified flying object. Immediately after that, contact with him was cut off, and all traces of Frederick were lost.

Can people spontaneously combust?

This occurs when an individual starts burning without the presence of an external heat source. Such a scene can mostly be seen in movies, but despite this, 200 cases of self-immolation have already been reported around the world. Scary, isn't it?

Spontaneous combustion is also possible in humans.
Spontaneous combustion is also possible in humans.

Why was Lee Harvey Oswald shot?

Možakar, who carried out the assassination of the then US President John F. Kennedy in 1963, was killed by Jack Ruby shortly after his arrest. At first it appeared that Oswald had acted alone in the murder, but it was later revealed that he was part of a larger conspiracy. Among other things, Ruby admitted that the assassin knew things that should not have come to light.

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