
These are 10 reasons why being a married man's mistress is not good

Photo: envato

Cheating is becoming more and more common in modern society. Surely almost everyone knows at least one couple who broke up because of jumping over a fence, but maybe you yourself have found yourself in a similar situation. Being the "other woman" is not always easy, because such a love relationship is full of lies, condemnations and secrets. The longer the relationship lasts, the more difficult the situation is. Take a good look at all 10 reasons why such a relationship is not good for you!

1. Hiding

Although you will see the charm in such a love relationship precisely in the fact that it is a relationship without obligations, it only has many drawbacks. She is one of those hiding, as you must always stay away from the public. The charms of the forbidden fruit are pleasant, but you are forced to spend your time together hidden in cars, hotel rooms and various secluded places so that no one notices you.

2. Lies

Such a love affair involves a lot of lies. The longer the relationship lasts, v the deeper lies you sink. All this leads to a feeling of restlessness and anxiety. Lying to family and friends is only part of the problem. Most people who are in such a love relationship are lying to themselves. Indeed, no excuse for doing such a thing reduces the feeling of guilt.

Photo: Envato

3. Regret

Such a relationship is usually full of passion, but eventually there is a great sense of guilt and regret, especially if children are involved.

4. Judgment

People will always be judgmental and such an attitude will be in the eyes of others morally objectionable. Bystanders will spread a lot of gossip, rumors and secrets, and this can lead to disrespect.

5. In the last place

No matter how thoughtful and a good lover you think your partner is, you will always be there for him last place, especially if your lover has a family. Since you are entering the relationship for different reasons, your relationship may be in danger. Namely, any such relationship can turn into risks, because they start asking each other questions about this relationship, and the answers are completely different. You want more of him, but you're just entertainment for him.

6. Love or exploitation

Even if the relationship is based only on sex at first, frequent companionship and exchange of tenderness bring real feelings. Expectations according to desires are increasing and the relationship becomes a real emotional merry-go-round.

Photo: Envato

7. Don't get the whole thing

Even if they are in love and see each other often, like that the relationship is not perfect, because it never includes public recognition, celebrating Christmases, birthdays, being invited home, even if you want it. All this can over time become a stumbling block, a source of great frustration and dissatisfaction.

8. How to believe

Because such a relationship is based on lying, it is hard to trust on anything. You will always wonder what he is doing - is he sleeping with his wife, is he taking the relationship seriously, his intentions are real. All such questions destroy trust. Even if they stay together, it will be hard to trust because you will be afraid that the same thing will happen to you.

9. Everything leads to an end

In the majority of cases, all extramarital affairs do not end in divorce, but they do disconnection with a lover. The most common reason for a breakup is a relationship due to frustration and pressure, as well as the setting of ultimatums, which arise on both sides.

10. Life passes

Every relationship shapes you and teaches you a lot. The most difficult thing is to accept such relationships and mourn them, even though you knew that there is no future. This kind of destructive behavior can turn into a real addiction, and at the same time you distance yourself from the possibility of meeting a better and more suitable partner.

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