
These are the amazing features of Galaxy S20 smartphones that will also get Galaxy S10 and Note10 smartphones

Samsung has announced that with an upcoming software update, the outstanding features of the Galaxy S20 smartphone series will also be available on the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Note10 smartphones.

Users will be able to capture footage with the most advanced camera technology, including the popular One Shot feature. In addition, users will be able to enjoy a number of software improvements that will make the whole experience even more enjoyable.

Listed below are the features of the smartphone series Samsung Galaxy S20 will also be available on smartphones with the update Samsung Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Note10.

Amazing camera experience

The software update also brings the amazing camera features of the Galaxy S20 smartphones to the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Note10 smartphones. With function One time capture you won't miss a moment. Thanks to revolutionary artificial intelligence, you can record up to 10 seconds and create content in a wide variety of formats, among which you will definitely find the style that best suits the moment. Z improved Night mode at Galaxy S10 and Nocturnal hypersomnias, both on the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Note10, you will be able to capture a night shot with even more vivid colors in the lens.

Single capture function
Single capture function

Once you've captured the perfect shot, you'll have a feature Custom filter made it possible to create your own filter with the colors and styles you like best. You can save the filter and use it in the future.

Custom Filter feature
Custom Filter feature

Pro mode will allow all shooting enthusiasts to manually adjust ISO sensitivity, shutter speed and exposure level at will. It will also be possible to switch between the main and front cameras while recording a video.

Intelligent gallery

The update also includes a number of gallery features to help you organize your shots. In the gallery, you can enlarge the image and press in the upper left corner Quick trimming, to crop the clip to any size. If you will include the option Clean review, similar clips will automatically be grouped by topic, and your gallery will be more transparent and organized.

Quick crop function
Quick crop function

Easy sharing

Now you can easily and quickly share more content. With function Quick sharing you can see who among your contacts is nearby and share snapshots or even large files with several people at the same time. With function Sharing music you can extend your Bluetooth connection so you don't have to disconnect if your friend wants to share their music on a Bluetooth speaker.

Quick Share and Music Sharing features
Quick Share and Music Sharing features

Update date and feature list may vary by market and phone model!

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