
These are the longest flights in the world: how can you survive on a plane even after 15 hours or more?

Photo: envato

Flying can be tiring, so we can only imagine how challenging it is when you have the longest flight in the world ahead of you.

After eight hours at the plane it can get pretty damn uncomfortable, so we can hardly imagine how demanding the world's longest flights are. The longest takes more than 18 hours and although there are plenty of activities available to passengers, it is important to prepare thoroughly for such long flights.

The longest flights in the world

Singapore Airlines: Singapore to Newark

Lasting approximately 18 hours and 45 minutes, this ultra-long flight offers passengers plenty of entertainment options. Including a comprehensive entertainment system, which is a must if you want to spend more than half the day on the plane. No wonder, it is probably the longest flight in the world. Don't forget to pack some essentials like earplugs and comfortable clothes.

Qatar Airways: Auckland to Doha

The flight, which lasts approximately 17 hours and 40 minutes, offers passengers luxurious comfort and superior cabin services, from the bar to the lounge and sleeping cabins. With such a long journey, it makes sense to get up and stretch your legs at least once an hour.

Photo: Unsplash/William Bayreuther

Qantas: Perth to London

The flight, which takes approximately 17 hours and 20 minutes, takes you from Australia to the UK - non-stop. In doing so, you must not forget about adequate hydration, and on the other hand, avoid excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol.

Emirates: Dubai to Auckland

New Zealand and Australia ensure that you spend quite a bit of time on the plane. The flight, which lasts approximately 17 hours and 5 minutes, provides passengers with superior comfort and a range of entertainment options. But there is also a considerable time difference waiting for them at the destination, for which it makes sense to adjust the sleeping schedule a few days before the flight.

United Airlines: Los Angeles to Singapore

This transpacific flight of approximately 17 hours and 50 minutes can be made more enjoyable by pre-booking first class seats or upgrading to business class for added comfort.

Photo: Unsplash/Hanson Lu

Etihad Airways: Abu Dhabi to Los Angeles

This flight, which takes about 16 hours and 30 minutes, offers passengers a comfortable flying experience, but what if you really don't know how to settle down after a few hours on the plane. At Etihad, they spoil their passengers with some culinary experiences, making the flight easier.

Turkish Airlines: Istanbul to Manila

The flight, which lasts approximately 16 hours and 25 minutes, offers a blend of Turkish hospitality and modern comfort, typical of one of the world's best airlines. Take advantage of the built-in entertainment system and watch movies or TV shows.


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