
These beliefs are ruining your opportunities for love!

What does your astrological sign say about it?

Photo: Envato

Beliefs create unrealistic expectations and lies within you. You believe in something that is not actually true at all.

Create illusions and truths, which are often lies. A lie that keeps you from finding love. You believe that you don't deserve it, that it doesn't exist, that…

What are these beliefs, predictions and "lies" according to your astrological sign


You believe that every relationship will end in a fight and that you will always end up with a broken heart. Not everyone will hurt you, some people really do have good intentions.


You believe that there is only one right person in this world for you - but this is not true. You may meet several soul mates throughout your life. Even if you have been in love before, you can fall in love again.


You believe that you can or only have a relationship or a career. It's not true. You can have both. You can take the time to get close to someone while still having plenty of time to chase your dreams. You don't have to choose one path over the other.



You believe that love is all you need. But in reality, you need much more than that. You need respect. You need open communication. You need a strong friendship. You must love yourself, not just love others.


You believe you have to be perfect to be loved. You are pretending instead of showing your true face, your true self, to your partner. The right person will see your flaws and still love you. We shouldn't hide anything.

A virgin

You believe you can get someone to change their opinion of you. Don't do it, it doesn't matter what you do or how hard you try to convince them you're worth the effort. You can't make them love you. You cannot control their heart.



You believe in love at first sight. You assume that this will be obvious when you find your soulmate. But sometimes the first impression gives the wrong impression. You shouldn't write someone off simply because you didn't feel butterflies the first second you closed your eyes.


You believe that every relationship will end just like your last one. But history doesn't have to repeat itself. When you choose the right person, you won't be reliving the past.


You believe that jealousy is a sign that someone cares about you. But most of the time, jealousy is actually a warning. Do you want someone to monitor what you are doing? What you will wear, who you will talk to. You don't want people like that.



You believe that you are better off alone. You don't believe in yourself, you don't believe you would be a good partner. And as much as you want to pretend you don't need anyone, you'd like to have someone around to hug, kiss, feel their closeness.


You believe that love is a feeling. But love is a choice. You have to decide to be with someone. You have to decide to put in the effort. You have to choose to love them even when it's hard.


You believe that quarrels are a bad sign. But in reality, every couple fights at some point. As long as you respect each other, it's okay to open up about your feelings, regardless of whether they lead to an argument. Communicate with your partner at all times.

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