
You need to say these simple things more often to those you love

Photo: Sai De Silva / Unsplash

Do you feel taken for granted? Do you ever wonder if you are taking your partner or anyone close to you in this way? When was the last time you said a short word - thank you - to your partner or your child?

If you are used to taking all good things for granted, you have the same (bad) habit as most people. With this, you take away the value of kindness, care and tenderness, or you may even forget to practice them, because your attention is occupied by worries, negativity.

In relationships that mean something to you (partnership, friendship, family) you become superficial, you forget to show them small tendernesses and kindness. You share with them all the problems throughout life. You rely on them whenever possible. Do you return their kindness and care?

You can do this much more often than you realize because you don't need a special occasion to do it, just let them know that you appreciate them and that you are there for them too.

How can I help you

This is a simple phrase that you can address to your partner, child, parent, friend, colleague in any situation they face. Let's say in everyday situations, but also in serious and difficult ones.

Thank you for being you! Photo: Bewakoof / Unspalsh

Sometimes it's enough to just offer your help, as this lets the other person know that you're there for them and that you're on their side. You are letting her know that she is not alone with her problems.

You look great

A simple appearance compliment says that we notice the other person, that we see their beauty and charm, and that we are happy for them. This compliment is usually spontaneously shared by friends. Women don't hesitate to say to themselves: "You're so beautiful" or "That haircut suits you," but you should tell everyone around you, especially your partner.

In a relationship, sometimes you forget to tell your partner, to show how much you like him. And that you still look at him through the eyes of love with attention and affection and above all that you love him.

thank you

Never forget to exchange simple polite phrases in the store, on the street, at a meeting with your neighbors. When you receive something, always say thank you, whether it's a service, information, when someone holds the door for you because you're cultured.

But do you realize that you often don't thank your loved ones, only strangers, because you believe that this common kindness is unnecessary in everyday communication.

You should give a smile and gratitude every day, in all situations, to your partner, friend, child. This lets them know that you respect them, appreciate that they are not taken for granted, that you are grateful and that you simply love them.

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