
These unconscious habits reveal a lot about your personality

Selfie, writing, shaking hands, walking, ...

Photo: envato

Countless things can be gleaned from random little habits and movements we make unconsciously. A seemingly insignificant handshake and an innocent play with hair can tell a lot about a personality to the attentive observer. What do behavioral experts say about all this and what are the habits that reveal more than you might expect.

Your self

In a 2015 study from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, researchers analyzed 123 selfies. They found that friendlier people are usually photographed from below. People who are selfish they laugh widely, are more open for new experiences, and the popular "duck face" photo shoot shows nervousness.



Graphology is the analysis of handwriting and its connection to personality. Graphologist Kathi McKnight says that handwriting experts can pick up more than 5,000 personality traits from your handwriting. For example, people who write a lot are people-oriented and attention seeking, while those with small handwriting are introverted and capable of acute concentration. Writing with a slight right slant means you are friendly and impulsive. A left tilt means you are reserved and individualistic. If there is no tendency in the font, it indicates that you are logical and pragmatic. The font with strong pressure shows, that you have strong emotions, you react quickly, and light pressure means lightness and the ability to move from place to place.

A roll of toilet paper

The eternal battle of which direction is needed hang a roll of paper, goes much deeper. Therapist dr. Gilda Carle claims that this can say a lot about our personality traits. On the basis of 2000 respondents, she discovered the connection between turning the wheels and people's persistence. Those who roll face up, they are said to be more persistent.



A person's characteristics can also be assessed very well on the basis of footwear. Those who swear by affordable footwear should be very pleasant. Ankle boots indicate aggressiveness. Newer and very well-preserved shoes can be a sign anxiety or possessiveness.

A handshake

Psychological research shows that your handshake can significantly affect how others perceive you. Research participants with firmer handshakes were in the majority more positive and extroverted, and those with looser grips more so shy and neurotic.


Nervous tics

Nail biting and similar repetitive tics are referred to by scientists as body-directed repetitive behaviors. According to research, where they observed how people behave in very unpleasant, pleasant and boring situations, they found that people who bite their nails and curl their hair around their fingers tend to be perfectionists. With this, they are trying to calm dboredom, dissatisfaction and nervousness.

Shopping habits

Experts say that if you want to meet someone, take them to the mall. Research published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that there are two types of consumers. They are the ones who analyze the information and study every little detail on the sale item. That's the type of person he is detail oriented. Others are those who are satisfied with general information.


Punctuality is said to be a very accurate assessment of positive character traits. Punctual people are more conscientious and friendly, while premature arrivals are associated with neuroticism. Chronic latecomers are generally more so relaxed people.


Eating habits

Slow eaters are usually people who are passionate they value life and they like to control situations. Fast eaters are ambitious and impatient. Those who try new things when it comes to eating love excitement and risk, while picky eaters indicate anxiety and neuroticism.


Body language expert Patti Wood says that walking reveals your personality. If your weight is usually forward and your stride is quick, you are extremely productive and very logical, you can be unapproachable and competitive at times. If you walk with your body forward and your head up, you are fun, charismatic and socially adept. If your weight is over your legs, you are more interested in people, and you are focused on personal life and career. If you look at the ground while walking, you are most likely introverted and polite.


Carrying a bag

Body language expert Patti Wood reveals that carrying a purse in the crook of your arm shows that you are very demanding to maintain and you put a lot of emphasis social status. If you wear the belt of the bag across the body and on the front, you prioritize protection and accessibility. Carrying a bag behind you indicates cool, calm and collected personality. People who wear a backpack are more independent and want to take care of themselves and the people around them. Those who carry a bag in their hands are more organized, efficient and confident.

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