
These women's hairstyles are most attractive to men

While it may seem like a cliché that men can't resist women with long wavy hair, there seems to be some truth to it.

In a survey by the English newspaper Daily Mail, in which thousands of men participated, what 43% believes to be long wavy hair women deserve the best.

They took the second place among hairstyles straight long hair, which 13% survey participants chose as the most attractive. He is the third classic page with 10% support, which is also the shortest haircut that men like to see on women.

Long, wavy hair is attractive to many men.

Guys, though they are not big fans ponytails, bangs and too much messy hair. They are also not impressed with short hair, this haircut has been a hit with many women in recent years.

Of course, you should remember that your hairstyle is your personal choice and you should not let men's wishes dictate how you look. If you feel good and confident with short hair or any other hairstyle that is not popular with members of the opposite sex, don't change it just because others say so.

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