
This house looks normal until you step inside and see why it costs 7 million euros

Shining Hand Ranch.

Don't judge the content of a book by its cover!

Dragons, battles and daring adventures. Fantasy novels can take you to fictional worlds, but what if you could every day truly lived in the kingdom?

To Ed Bemis, an artist and an architect, succeeded. In this unique house called Shining Hand Ranch, located in Oregon, every detail is made to perfection, as if it were a fairy from your favorite fantasy book.

What if you could truly live in the kingdom every day?
What if you could truly live in the kingdom every day?

This dream home was custom created local artists, and it is made of environmentally friendly elements. The space is heated and cooled using geothermal energy, it also has a solar-heated pool. The intricate, handcrafted pieces of furniture and other elements throughout the house are key to what makes this home unique.

This dream house was created by local artists.
This dream house was created by local artists.

How complicated the creation of this house was, it is clear from the information that Bemis spent six months to make the front door. 8881 square meters extends to 706 acres, and it's up to you to bring your dragon and part with US$7,600,000 (converted to €6,500,000) if you want the villa to be yours.

Gallery: Fantasy villa

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