
This is how different zodiac signs behave when they are single and want sex

Photo: Innamikitas / Pixabay

What do you do when you're afraid you'll never find someone, not just for a long-term relationship, but also for sex? When you feel that you are not attractive to anyone and that love is an unattainable ideal or an illusion and that you would do anything in that moment just to feel the touch of someone, even a stranger?

How do you deal with sexual frustration, which of course is never just a lack of physical contact, but a lack of intimacy, tenderness and energy exchange?

What do the stars say, how do they see each astrological sign in such a situation.


You message all your exes and flirt with those who reply. And this is usually not the person with whom we would like to renew the relationship. From time to time you ask yourself: "What am I doing", but you know exactly what you are doing.


You download the dating app you deleted because you hoped you'd never need it again. It is not easy for you to think about what awaits you now, because you know from experience how it goes.



You are determined to overcome this weakness - it is only a temptation, you are enough for yourself and you have never felt better in your life. Maybe dye your hair green to boost your confidence.


You don't want to be alone. You are at work all day, and if there is not enough work, you invent something. You are desperate. You start reading psychology or novels that make you think. Anything is better than grieving in solitude.


You begin to conquer everyone you like - if you are surrounded by those who are not your type, try to find something special, precious and beautiful in each of them. If you could just use someone's body and exclude the person, you would.


A virgin

Expand your activities, introduce evening walks, actively exercise and move. It doesn't even occur to you that your sexual inclinations would push you into a superficial relationship. You don't lower your standards, but direct your energy decisively and energetically.


You fantasize about exciting events, watch your favorite love movies, full of passion that makes your heart beat faster and tears flow. You read love and erotic literature that puts you in the right mood - that is, in a state of belief that something beautiful and exciting will happen to you very soon.


You're determined to take what you need, and if that means going to the first coffee shop and wooing the first person you find lust-worthy, then do it.



You find comfort in close friendship. But you need a lot of comfort, so turn to those friends who can give it to you. In fact, never cut off your friend with benefits because you never know when you'll need them.


You take the situation into your own hands, look at yourself and your life, at the things that make you happy and relax. You are self-sufficient and confident, you do not need anyone, you know that you are great, so it is not difficult for you to be with yourself.



You don't want to succumb to low passions, so use all possible techniques to redirect libido energy - from a cold shower, to meditation, turning off the computer (social networks are too much of a challenge) and don't go anywhere, you're at home.


You wander around, vaguely hoping to meet someone gentle and sweet, thinking about your past relationships and who else you'll meet. You toy with the idea of texting someone, but don't because you're afraid of the reaction.

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