
This is what humans really look like!

On Twitter, after the publication of a creepy photo that will make you go numb, a debate has begun about what the human consciousness actually looks like.

Artificial intelligence expert Matt Taylor with his photo, which he published on Twitter, vividly illustrated, what we humans really look like. At the same time, he wrote that the majority of the human body is represented by parts intended for movement and interaction. In this photo, however, it is presented consciousness consisting of the brain and nervous system.

That's all we are.
That's all we are.

The published photo aroused a lot of interest among the users of this social network. Many are convinced that the core of a person's self is not only represented by the brain and the central nervous system, but also some other parts of the body are important for understanding the outside world.

Taylor replies to critics that everything a person has learned during his lifetime is embodied in the depicted creature.

It all got people thinking, whether in the future it will be possible to remove a person's consciousness from the body and insert it into another person's body. Creepy, isn't it?

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