
It's Karma: Husband contracts coronavirus while cheating on secret trip to Italy

A husband who cheated on his wife contracted the coronavirus on a secret trip to his lover in Italy.

The man admitted to health workers in the north of England that he had infected by a lover in Italy and that it must remain a secret. He allegedly told his wife that he had to go on a business trip somewhere to England, and she is said to be living in a delusion to this day! Her husband is in quarantine, she self-isolated, a she doesn't know where her husband could get infected. He still believes that he contracted the coronavirus somewhere on a business trip.

The husband contracted the coronavirus from his lover in Italy.
The husband contracted the coronavirus from his lover in Italy.

The unnamed patient, a man in his late 30s, went to hospital after showing symptoms of the illness and tests confirmed Covid-19. He shared information about infidelity with doctors, a he did not want to reveal the name of his lover.

The Sun wrote, according to the source, that this patient the main topic of conversation among hospital employees. His case would be funny if it weren't so serious from a medical point of view. The man admitted what he was doing in Italy, the wife has no idea. The source adds that the man thought he had the perfect alibi to pull off his escape to his mistress. However, he never thought that due to the cataclysm of the coronavirus, he would have to reveal this to the "world". He seems much more concerned about his marriage than his own health.

At least he managed to get home before all flights to and from Italy were cancelled.

“Karma is a*tch!”

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