
This is what will happen to you if you snap your fingers! Is cracking knuckles a relaxation tune or a health alarm?

Cracking knuckles: why is this sound phenomenon so appealing to us?

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Photo: pexels / Cottonbro

Is cracking finger joints dangerous?! In the peace of library reading or the collected silence of an office, you may be startled by a sudden 'pop' - the sound signature of someone stretching their fingers. But what's really going on in those tiny joints? What do health experts say and is this habit actually so innocent?

For many, it is cracking of finger joints as a short meditation or a way to a moment of relaxation, while for others it is a sound similar to scratching a blackboard. However, experts assure that finger cracking itself is harmless and does not lead to arthritis, although it can be associated with reduced grip strength and hand swelling. This sound phenomenon occurs when an air bubble is released in the joint fluid. This vibrational energy is said to be comparable to the power that destroys hydraulic turbines and ship propellers – dramatic, right?

Photo: Pexels – Cottonbro
Although popping your knuckles does not cause arthritis, overdoing the habit can be harmful as it can lead to cartilage or tendon damage. If you feel pain or swelling when you pop, it's time to see a doctor.

So, if you can't give up your 'sound hobby' - cracking your knuckles, try to do it carefully and without excessive effort. Your joints – and your colleagues – will thank you. And for those of you who enjoy making others uncomfortable with popping sounds, it might be time to try something quieter.

Every habit has its time and place – cracking joints is no exception. It may not lead to arthritis, but respecting your own body and knowing the potential risks never goes out of style. Be like an artist who knows how to create a melody with his fingers, but you know that every melody is even better when it's not too loud.

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