
This marked the year 2020 on Twitter

Twitter 2020

As the year slowly draws to a close, it's a good time to recap and recall the most important key moments of 2020. One way we can do this is by taking a look at Twitter's trends, which recently released what resonated most with users in 2020.

As you might expect, he was in 2020 the most “liked” or hated hashtag on this platform #Covid19, because this year it was hard for people to think about anything other than the coronavirus pandemic. It is followed by a key ring #BlackLivesMatter, which was frequently seen on Twitter in May, when protests and riots erupted in the United States over the death of George Floyd, who died while in custody. The third most popular hashtag was #StayHome, whose message is clear: stay home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Twitter trends 2020

Donald Trump was the most tweeted about in 2020. According to him, people mentioned Joe Biden the most, his opponent in the recently concluded US elections and apparently the next US president. He is third in the ranking George Floyd, and the fourth Kobe Bryant, the famous basketball player who lost his life in a helicopter crash earlier this year. The fifth place is occupied by Barack Obama, who recently published his memoirs, which, among other things, are also one of the most popular books on Amazon.

Among the emojis, the one that shows tears of joy is the most used, followed by the one that shows crying. You can see which emojis were also among the more popular in 2020 in the image below.

Emojis - Twitter - 2020

Player Death Notice Chadwick Boseman on his profile, was retweeted the most in 2020: as many as 3.1 million times. The following is a video contribution from the profile of the Korean pop group BTS, which was shared by 1.6 million users of this social network, and the third place is occupied by a video of Twitter user Jamie (@gnuman1979), in which he shows how he is having fun on the sixth day of quarantine in the United States America.

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