
This sleeping position is the most harmful for your body

Photo: envato

Sleep is very beneficial for our body. However, this is not the case if you sleep in the wrong position! Check which position you should never sleep in...

Each of us has our own position in which we sleep best. Whether you lie on your stomach or back, on your side or fully stretched out, most of you have already found your favorite sleeping position. We will reveal below which one is the most unhealthy and which you should definitely avoid.

The most unhealthy sleeping position

There is nothing better than snuggling into bed after a hard day and drifting off to dreamland. Many people like to "nest" in the fetal position. However, this position is said to be the worst for sleeping. If you raise your knees, tilt your chin towards your chest and round up while sleeping - this is very unhealthy, especially for your neck and back. Not only that, this sleeping position also affects your mood.
A study by the elite Harvard University found that it showed that this position causes stress in your brain. The protective posture they adopt, especially young children, automatically sends information to your brain that danger is imminent. This, in turn, triggers stress and makes your body tense - something we actually tend to avoid during sleep.

Choose the right sleeping position / Photo: envato

Which sleeping position is correct?

To make your sleep truly restful, get used to sleeping in one of the positions below.
– On your back: this position is especially good for your spine and neck. The only downside: those who sleep like this tend to snore more often and may even stop breathing.
– On your stomach: If you lie on your stomach at night, this position supports your digestion. Just be careful not to turn your face to the same side every night. This can cause back pain.
– On your side: If you have previously slept in the fetal position, you may find it easiest to transition to sleeping on your side. This sleeping position supports the spine and is therefore good for the back. However, this can cause pain in the shoulders and arms or wrinkles on the chest and chin.

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