
You need to forgive yourself for this as soon as possible: take the heavy burden off your soul

Photo: envato

This is an important life lesson that taught you that you are more valuable and awesome than you ever thought!

Wrong choices lead you to the wrong places throughout life, to the wrong people, but everything, even the wrong things, happen for a reason.

It is important that you learn to forgive and that you realize how forgiveness is healing. Forgive others, but it is equally important to forgive yourself for some things. And one of those things is making the wrong decision in love.

Perhaps you managed to fall in love with a person who was not right for you, which made you think that there was something wrong with you. Maybe you went through a relationship where you were constantly compared to others and tried to change you into someone you weren't.

Maybe there was a person next to you who didn't know how to appreciate your qualities because he didn't have them himself. You may have chosen a person who did everything to make you believe that you are easy to replace. And as a result, you began to doubt yourself and your worth.

Forgive yourself. Photo: Arnel Hasanovic / Unsplash

We all do it. We all sometimes forget that everything in life can be so much better and that we deserve so much more. We all give in to those we want to keep. We make excuses for people. But if it gets to the point where you constantly feel like you're not good enough no matter what you do, then you need to end the story.

No one deserves to feel like their best qualities will never measure up to someone's unrealistic criteria.

No one deserves to be treated as a person without value and quality. And no one deserves to spend their prime years proving their worth to someone.

Forgive yourself for all the times you tried to resolve a toxic relationship, because you thought that a person can change and that things can get better.

Forgive yourself for allowing such people to stay in your life longer than necessary.

Forgive yourself, you are only human. Photo: Becca Tapert/Unsplash

Forgive yourself for investing your soul in those people who did not even plan your future together.

Forgive yourself for believing words and not paying attention to actions.

It is important to forgive yourself and realize that you have learned something from these experiences and realized how much more you are worth than you thought.

From then on, your inner voice will immediately warn you when someone does not appreciate your worth. You will know which relationships are worthy of love, effort and attention, and which should be ended immediately.

Forgive yourself for spending years with the wrong person - it's made you realize which people in life are really worth fighting for.

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