
Time stood still 33 years ago: eerie photos of Chernobyl (2018)

A mask in one of the schools in Pripyat

Pripyat is a ghost town, a place with strict rules for those who want to see it for themselves - artist Ana Dumitru visited it and took these photos that look like time stopped 33 years ago.

This year we are recording 33 years since the accident in Chernobyl, which today is inhabited only by workers of the still operating power plant.

For those who want to take a look Chernobyl, very strict rules applied - as the artist describes Ana Dumitru, who saw Chernobyl with her own eyes, you must not touch anything, you must wear a mask, you are not allowed to drink water or eat food from the area, you must wear boots, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. And most importantly, you must not enter the buildings, because they are in a decaying phase and may collapse, or you may get injured on collapsing things.

Ana it says, to get the feeling that it was when you look at Chernobyl time stopped 33 years ago. Almost everything is untouched, and one begins to realize how small and fragile it is, because you can at any time dies or he has to start over with just the clothes he's wearing. See how time has stopped in the picture gallery

Gallery: Chernobyl 2018

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