
Tinder: A free dating and matchmaking app where you can also meet a Swedish woman! [APP]

The Tinder app is a fun way to connect with new and interesting people near you. Tinder offers you photos of the same gender (or your chosen one), and you decide whether you like the person or not with a simple gesture of "photo slide" to the left or right. If someone "likes" you back, then the application calls it a "match". Which opens up new opportunities for you to forward messages and create opportunities for more. Rarely does an application manage to mirror real life, in which we form our first impression of someone really quickly.

Let's face it! With applications or websites actually everyone has had a bad experience when it comes to meeting and dating. Once upon a time, you "accidentally" logged in somewhere and then received bizarre messages of one nature or another. S Tinder-I think everything is different. A case of modern application for meeting new attractive people, which, in addition to its exceptional simplicity and usability, is unlike similar applications completely free.

And how does it work?

After applying with Facebook accounts in fact, everything will be ready for you, since you will allow the application import profile picture, basic data and friends and interests. You can also edit these data and photos yourself. Application it also requires yours GPS location with the aim of being able to show you nearby users. Once you complete your registration, the "game" of liking can begin. Profiles of users are shown to the user, which with a simple "skating” to the left or right to like or dislike. To display the following guide you will always have to decide whether the user is for you like it or no. The moment someone us like back, the application notifies you and adds the user to the "match" tab. From there Tinder offers the possibility of sharing "moments" with a circle of these users or sending direct messages.


Rarely do we come across an application that is so extremely simple and uses so many cute psychological techniques that it secures unexpected popularity. It is not violent towards the user, which we count in a special plus, as the user can set it extremely easily notification profiles or deactivates the application immediately. Among other things, the application received the award for the best startup of the year 2013 namely Crunchies Award 2013.

That there is an application Tinder, really extremely popular in the world, also prove it website created on Tumblr, which shows a selection of Swedish women you can meet through Tinder- yes.

Swedish women have earned their own website with their beauty. Will it be the same with Slovenian women?
Swedish women have earned their own website with their beauty. Will it be the same with Slovenian women?

The man behind the website is Portuguese at work in Sweden. When, a colleague asked him what they were like Swedish women on Tinder, only he replied with a quickly prepared website. And we have to admit that the selection of girls is not bad. Of course, you will be able to meet Swedish women via Tinder in two cases. If you are going to travel to Sweden or catch a Swedish woman on vacation in Slovenia. For now, however, it is much more likely that you will "catch" an Austrian, Italian, Slovenian or Croatian woman. Namely, Tinder searches for connections on the radio 160 kilometers from your current location. So will the experience with Tinder interesting even on vacation.

Expected rapid growth in Slovenia as well

Tinder it's not a new app, but it seems that these kinds of apps happen a bit later here. Namely, global trends cannot be stopped, especially if they are made with such excellence as the present application. To popularity in Slovenia, and through Tinder you will be able to meet "neighbors", who all use it diligently Tinder. The latter seems to be even more alluring.

Where do I get Tinder?

In any case, we should not remain indebted to you, the galleries of Swedish women, which have become a real hit on the Internet!

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