
Today is the day of twin flames, the day of eternal love: have you met yours yet?

Twin Flame Day falls on November 11. At a time when people are searching for their soul connection with a twin flame to keep warm during the winter months.

If you've met your twin flame, you know that it's a powerful connection, something you've never experienced before in your life, and it's unlike anything you'll ever experience.

Twin flames have the power to transform your life. This type of soul connection is rare. Most people never experience this in their lifetime. Every stage of a twin flame relationship can be not only wonderful, but also terrifying.

What is a twin flame?

There are many ancient references to similar concepts, but most agree with the twin flame theory, which originates from the Greek philosopher Plato. All souls begin as one, but are split into two mirror souls, eternally yearning for union, leaving us in search of a twin flame.

Your twin flame isn't necessarily your true love—at least not in the romantic sense. Relationships with twin flames can be friendship or family. And while finding a connection with a twin flame can be extremely fulfilling, don't blindly search for it to feel complete! Most people live full lives without ever experiencing twin flame love.

It is important to note that twin flames are different from soul mates. Soulmates can appear multiple times in your life, while you can only have one twin flame.

Have you met your flame that complements you perfectly?

Relationships with twin flames require deep spiritual work and karmic cleansing

When twin flames come together, sparks fly - but as with any flame, you have to be careful, because they can burn everything around them. Every relationship is unique and follows a personal journey, but twin flame connections have a definite narrative path.

There are eight levels of a twin flame relationship, although different relationships can have different shades within each. Each stage is as important as the next, so this process requires understanding and appreciating each step of your journey.

What Happens Between the Eight Stages of Twin Flame Relationships?

1. Longing for "the one"

This stage begins as a realization or feeling that a part of you is missing. You live with longing, which at times is overcome by the feeling that something is missing, that a part of you is somewhere waiting for you to find it. It is difficult to understand this emotion because you may be missing that other half that would give you clarity.

It is essential that you look at this stage as an opportunity to prepare for the next stages and not as a period of loneliness or longing. Embrace your inner self and love yourself first.

2. Meeting "the right one"

This is a period of intense excitement or intoxication when you first encounter your twin flame. Often this is merely the pulse of your real-life twin. You may be overcome with joy in your dream or feel a strong sense of curiosity as you want to know more about this creature.

It is important to know that this stage can happen without you being fully aware of it, as dreams often remain in your subconscious. If you meet a twin flame in real life, it is always a seemingly random meeting, although this meeting will be arranged before your physical incarnation. You will feel an inexplicable magnetism towards this person.

3. Falling in love

When you fall in love with this person, you fall in love hard. You can't resist this! It will take a few encounters to get to this stage, but once you get to know them a little better, you'll know they're your twin flame. You will fall into love. Sometimes it can be downright confusing; you will feel in love or completely beside yourself, upset with no real explanation. It's a beautiful stage of love, so don't hold back, it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

4. The ideal relationship

No matter who your twin flame is or what role they play in your life, it's guaranteed that you two will enter into some kind of relationship. Whether it's a romantic relationship like you've never experienced before or a best friend who's always by your side, your twin flame will find a way to take an important position in your life.

It is a mental connection that transcends any physical attraction. You will be able to meet each other's need on a spiritual level like no one else has before. Mind you, this is a taste of heaven that in many ways is too good to be true.

5. Unrest occurs

Once the initial excitement and euphoria wears off, the ego begins to grow. Personal problems and insecurities arise that cause rifts. They are two souls living separate lives and having separate experiences; it is inevitable that certain differences will arise that can destroy this inner bond.

Your twin flames are often like mirrors, reflecting your deepest desires and darkest shadows. Although you may not show emotions, your twin flame can be very explosive with their emotions. In this way, they challenge you and force you to look at some parts of yourself that you would rather not see. Although this may seem incomprehensible, it is actually a transformational stage. An opportunity to see yourself as you really are and to become what you want to be.

6. "Runner" and "hunter"

When tension arises, one or both of you will want to run away. Whether that means mentally distancing yourself from the situation or physically running away from each other, this is a volatile time. One of you can withdraw while the other doesn't want to. Maybe they both drift apart, only to eventually come back together.

This "trial by fire" can destroy even the strongest bonds if not handled carefully. Some twin flame relationships never recover from the damage done during this phase.

7. Surrender

Once you acknowledge and accept the differences, it becomes much easier to let go of the old pain. When you learn to look at your shadows, you can open up the wounds of your twin—and yourself—and heal together from within.

In this phase, your ego dissolves and your soul expands, creating room for growth and improvement. This is an opportunity for a new beginning. An opportunity to embrace the role you play in each other's lives as healing rather than challenging. Maybe there are still some bumps that could be smoothed out, but it's much less painful now.

8. Meeting

As the problems in your relationship begin to fade, you enter the soul meeting phase. In a sense, it's like coming home to each other and to yourself. This level covers everything that twin flames are supposed to teach you. These relationships are not meant to be fiery and painful. If that were the case, there would be no point in being in it.

These relationships are supposed to warm your soul to a level of self-love and understanding. In order to achieve this, you both need to remove all the things that prevent you from expressing yourself. At your core, you and your twin flame are one.

There are eight levels of twin flame relationships. Which one are you in?

How long do the twin flame stages last?

If there was a simple answer to this question, your life would be much easier! The length of each phase varies from person to person. For some, each stage can take years, for others a few months. Sometimes you don't even realize when each phase happened until it's all over.

How long each stage takes depends on the work you do yourself. Spiritual maturity can grow at any age, but it requires total commitment to yourself and a deep relationship with every part of your being. Understanding yourself is the only way to understand your twin flame.

How do you know if your twin flame is close?

You will know when you feel a sense of calm or harmony. When you're with a twin flame, you never long to be anywhere else. You can feel elation and joy for no reason. You feel like your life has suddenly fallen into place.

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