
Today is a frighteningly rare blue full moon and Halloween - Halloween 2020

The witches will dance today!

For the first time since 1944, people all over the world will be able to see a strange blue full moon, on the strangest night of the year. Legend says…

Halloween will look different this year because COVID-19 restrictions, but we are in for an extremely cool and at the same time a terrifying spectacle. It is a rare occurrence of a second full moon in the same month, and at the same time this type of full moon is called blue full moon.

Full moon, which will be visible on October 31, is called a blue moon because it is the second full moon of the same month – after the harvest moon of October 1-3. Even more strangely, the full moon will be visible to the whole world and not just parts of it. Which will be the first time since World War II. So in 1944. We could observe a similar phenomenon in 1955, but the full moon was not visible on all continents.

In various pagan cultures it is said that the blue moon gives witches special power. So you have to be extremely careful today. So that your better half doesn't slip away from you takes the night.

Don't be surprised if you take a picture with your phone blue full moon Halloween and the photo doesn't match what you saw. With the exception of Huawei phones, which are helped by a special algorithm specifically designed to capture the moon. Pictures usually fail.

But if you're too busy watching horror movies this year, you'll have to wait until 2039 for another global full blue moon.

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