
Top 10: best places to live 2016

Best places to live 2016

What are the best places to live in 2016? The Economist magazine has revealed a fresh list of cities where life is the best in the world. The ranking of 140 cities was prepared by its research and analytical department, but unfortunately there are no Slovenian cities among them, which is why the city that is only a stone's throw away from Slovenia is at the very top. There were no changes at the very top. The title of the best place to live in the world went to the Australian city for the sixth time in a row.

And best place to live 2016 is… Melbourne! It has been named the best place to live in the world for the sixth time in a row. The ranking, which reveals the best places to live in 2016, was compiled by the magazine The Economist (when compiling the scale, they took into account 30 different factors, such as personal safety, healthcare, culture, education, infrastructure, environment...).

Canadian Vancouver offers a high quality of life.
Vancouver, Canada offers a high quality of life.

140 cities were included in the research, but none of them were Slovenian. If the first place was given to Australia again, the capital of Austria also found itself in the second place, Vienna, who was also in this place last year, in 2014, as well as earlier. Third place went to the Canadian city Vancouver, which is also subscribed to this position. At the same time, it should be added that as many as six of the first seven cities are located there in Australia and Canada, and in addition to Austria, they also contribute one place in the top ten Finland and Germany. Sydney is no longer in the top 10, having slipped from seventh to 11th place due to terrorist threats.

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In Damascus, the quality of life is the worst.
In Damascus, the quality of life is the worst.

The list shows that the best places to live remain medium-sized cities with a relatively low population density, which are located in wealthier countries. In these cities, the infrastructure is not overloaded, the cities offer many recreational activities, and there is also no high crime rate. Many successful sites such as New York, Paris or London, precisely because of this they cannot reach higher. At the very tail of the scale we find Syrian Damascus, which follow him Tripolis in Libya, Lagos in Nigeria, Dhaka in Bangladesh and Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. In these cities, life is the worst.

Top 10 - best places to live 2016:

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