
Top 5 volunteer activities to help endangered animals

Do something good for the planet

Photo: envato

Many of us have already experienced how volunteer work, either at home or abroad, can enrich our lives. Be it teaching children, helping people in need or volunteering for the preservation of animal species - these are all actions by which we contribute our part in the mosaic of a more beautiful world.

In the article, we focused primarily on helping animal species that are threatened with extinction due to one or another factor, mostly human. They are magnificent animal species on land and under the sea level. There are quite a few organizations that offer these kinds of activities, if we dare a little, we can experience an unforgettable life experience. Check.

Sea turtles

All seven sea turtle species that can be counted in the world's seas and oceans are disappearing drastically. Small sea turtles are endangered from the very beginning, as only one in 5 thousand live to adulthood. Since their reproduction takes an extremely long time, additional aggravating factors such as the destruction of their living space or the hunting of their armor, meat, and the growth of their population only make it more difficult.

How and where can you help?

In recent years, most of the countries that lie along the coast have been working to increase the population of sea turtles. One of the most inveterate is Costa Rica, where eating turtles is strongly linked to the local diet, so volunteers there are working to educate people and find solutions for the good of all. They are looking for volunteers who are willing to take care of injured turtles, follow small turtles on their way to the ocean, and collect data and information for research. Contact a volunteer organization IVHQ in Costa Rica, and similar activities can also be found in the Maldives under the auspices of the organization GoEco.

Photo: Unsplash/Josue Soto


We know two basic types of elephants, African and Asian, whose numbers have drastically decreased over the course of the 20th century. The reasons for this lie in hunting, the destruction of their habitats and conflicts with the local population. Between 30,000 and 38,000 elephants die for ivory every year. It should be noted here that you should pay attention to organizations that promote elephant riding, where it is proven that they use inhumane practices and torture.

How and where can you help?

One of the countries where they are struggling with a drastic invasion of the elephant population is Thailand. According to some data, less than 2,000 elephants live in the wild there. However, it is not only elephants living abroad that are at risk. After logging was banned, the elephants used in logging were let loose to either roam the streets or were used in inhumane amusement parks for the entertainment of tourists. Many organizations in Thailand are working to help these land giants, with volunteers helping to clean and care for these gentle mammals. The real address will be the organization GVI in Thailand. But if you want to help save African elephants, head to Republic of South Africa, where volunteers gather information and observe these magnificent creatures in their natural environment.

Photo: Unsplash/Matthew Spiteri


Asia, Africa and the Americas are home to a plethora of primates, and most volunteer organizations focus on the most endangered species, such as orangutans and chimpanzees. Orangutans share 96.4% genes with humans and are considered highly intelligent creatures. Their number is drastically decreasing, a century ago there were more than 230 thousand Bornean orangutans, but during this time their number has more than halved. Even more endangered is the species of orangutan originating from Sumatra, of which only 7,500 are left today. Both species are threatened with extinction in the next decade.

How and where can you help?

Both in Africa and in many Asian countries, you can find a bunch of volunteer organizations that work to preserve primates. The largest number of orangutans can be found in Indonesia, and the reason for the decline in their numbers can be attributed to the deforestation of the rainforest. Organizations thus strive to preserve their habitat and spread awareness of the importance of orangutan protection. It is one of such organizations Orangutan Foundation, and such initiatives can be found all over the world, including in Africa, where you can contact Eco Tracks.

Photo: Unsplash/Dimitry B


Lions once inhabited parts of Africa, Asia and Europe, but today they are found exclusively on the black continent. Even there, their numbers are drastically decreasing, mainly due to the shrinking of their living environment and conflicts with the local population. Volunteer programs thus focus on raising the population and rehabilitating them for later release into the wild.

How and where can you help?

Many African countries, including the Republic of South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Zambia, are working to preserve the number of lions in the wild. The most famous natural parks are both Antelope and Victoria Falls, where volunteers can participate in many programs to protect lions and other mammals in the wild. African Impact in Zimbabwe and GoEco in Kenya are the correct address.

Photo: Unsplash/Jean Wimmerlin

Rescue of street dogs

Finally, we list a few volunteer programs that strive to raise awareness among residents about the problem of street dogs and to save them only. Homeless dogs are a big problem in many parts of the world, and they also represent a big health problem, as they carry diseases. Due to the underdevelopment of these areas, they often do not receive proper treatment, which only makes the overall treatment of the problem even more difficult.

How and where can you help?

In Central America and in some Asian countries, where the problem is still hot, you can find a number of voluntary organizations to help homeless dogs. They strive for proper castration and sterilization of only these, with which they want to reduce their number and prevent further reproduction, and at the same time it is also a series of vaccination programs. The programs are especially suitable for animal lovers and veterinary experts, who can thereby make a significant contribution to improving the lives of homeless dogs. Please contact GoEco or GVI in Mexico.

Photo: Unsplash/Ryan Christodoulou

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